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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Trip Planning Forum :: Frost River Loop
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06/01/2023 07:41AM
I ran the Frost on May 21, putting in from Baker on the 19th. First time doing it, but definitely agree with dschult2 that water levels were optimal. Was able to shoot over a number of beaver dams that will need to be pulled over before too long as water levels recede. Definitely would be very different in low water levels.
No biting bugs although they were on the water surface. The portage into Frost Lake still had a little snow/ice in one stretch, but nothing as deep as dschult2 encountered. I wear wool socks and closed-toe keens.

It was a wonderful paddle, and if anything I did it too fast. Knowing what I know now, this time of year & in higher water, I could have taken a lot more time to take it all in. I had PLENTY of time and made my way down to Mesaba to make camp.

The portage after the river on Alton is a short adventure, I generally single carry but actually triple carried that one because of how steep it is. Pack, then I emptied my canoe of stuff (paddle, rod, thwart bag), then the canoe. As a solo, I was very cautious on that one!
05/24/2023 09:55AM
Hello, Hoping to hear from someone who has done the Frost river loop this Spring. Hoping to hear about water levels. Boots vs. Water shoes this time of year. Bugs etc.
05/24/2023 10:45AM
I did the Frost River on May 16 this year and conditions were optimal. I put in at Cross Bay. I only had one beaver dam pullover and was able to skip quite a few portages due to high water and even run a couple of rapids. No bugs whatsoever. Footwear was Merrell Chameleon 8 hikers and Darn Tough wool socks. Lots of calf high water on the trails. The portage into Frost/Unload had a foot and a half of snow on it yet but no issues with cold feet entire trip. It was an awesome trip. Of course that was a week ago already and conditions change so my guess is you will have quite a few more bugs and still high water but more beaver dam liftovers.
06/08/2023 07:26PM
Started at Cross Bay on June 2 and exited at Brant (Round) on June 6. Took my time along the Frost, even camping at Bologna Lake. Only had to get out and lift over 3 beaver dams along the river - all after Bologna. I found myself knee deep in water and mud a couple times - mainly because I made silly moves - so I was glad to not be wearing my boots. Like Mapmaker, I have closed-toe Keens that I wear with wool socks. Mosquitos were thick on the portages.