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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Trip Planning Forum :: Solo trip recommendation
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01/24/2024 02:38AM
If you are open to it & if schedules align, I'm happy to help you portage if you would like to get a bit further in or through a tough travel day. In that vein, I'd suggest going east rather than west & go to Knife/Cherry (Cherry may be a stretch) or Vera.
01/17/2024 06:46AM
Sounds like some variation of the Kawishiwi triangle would be just what you're looking for. There’s no big water, multiple different entry/exit points you could utilize and all 3 species of fish you mention.

Here is a trip report I wrote about the area. As mentioned, you can enter/exit at different spots so you don't need to follow the "script" of the report. But, it should give you a taste of what the area has to offer.
01/16/2024 09:57PM
I could use some help with an Ely area solo trip suggestion for next summer.

Last year, I picked up a paddle for the first time in thirty years and took a 4-day solo. I made the paddle across Seagull, but would prefer to not make a similar crossing this year. The legs aren't as good as they used to be so a portage that requires a short, steep climb won't work - just don't trust my balance with a canoe on a climb. Uphill is okay as are portages in the 150 rod range.

My main goal is to fish (walleye, smallmouth and northerns) and just enjoy being outside with no schedule. A 5-day trip with 2-3 camps either out and back or loop are fine. Timing has to be in July, but other than that, I'm pretty flexible and looking forward to suggestions.

01/30/2024 09:35PM
Wood lake would be worth looking at as well. The initial portage is longer but not difficult. From their day tripping to Indiana, good, etc is enjoyable. Fishing in wood isn’t bad either.

Not as much of a loop with multiple camps but could still worth looking at.
01/29/2024 09:01PM
JohnGalt: "If you are open to it & if schedules align, I'm happy to help you portage if you would like to get a bit further in or through a tough travel day. In that vein, I'd suggest going east rather than west & go to Knife/Cherry (Cherry may be a stretch) or Vera."

Thank you - your offer is beyond generous. I'd be more than happy to share a portage (or a beer) with you at some time. I don't know if our schedules would align in July or late August but definitely would be interested if nothing more than to have the opportunity to share some fellowship.
01/29/2024 10:04PM
TuscaroraBorealis: "Sounds like some variation of the Kawishiwi triangle would be just what you're looking for. There’s no big water, multiple different entry/exit points you could utilize and all 3 species of fish you mention.

Here is a trip report I wrote about the area. As mentioned, you can enter/exit at different spots so you don't need to follow the "script" of the report. But, it should give you a taste of what the area has to offer."

That is a great idea. I recently was going through some old boxes and found a 1985 Robert Beymer book. I bought it new from the University of Minnesota bookstore many years ago. (It still has a "new" sticker on the cover) In the back was a folded up piece of paper where I'd written my top choices of where to go in BWCA. The Kawishiwi River was #1 on the list. I think I need to go there if for no other reason than to fulfill a young man's dream.