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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Trip Planning Forum :: EP 16 Moose River North Levels
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06/26/2024 02:49PM
HighnDry: "Yes and you'd be paddling upstream against them with some dangerous eddy pools and cross currents, I'd imagine! Good call."
I’ve made it to Shell and will exit LIS tomorrow. Talked to two guys who entered LIS yesterday. They said portages were partially underwater with swift current but not necessarily dangerous. They did mention that the group ahead of them flipped their canoe as soon as they put in. Oh, and sorry for pwibwca(posting while in the bwca), but a lot of info here and elsewhere has helped me take a safer route.
06/22/2024 06:23PM
I have called, left messages and sent a message on messenger but no response. We talked a group out of paddling in at the entry… I really hope no one goes in.
06/22/2024 09:22PM
It looks like the Forest Service has now added #16 to the list of temporarily closed EPs Forest Service Press Release
06/22/2024 05:30PM
Completely impassable. Check out our video on Moose Track Adventures Facebook. It was very dangerous getting out yesterday. Not sure how the levels will be in the 4th… but some portages will be completely washed out when the water recedes.
06/22/2024 06:13PM
Ross: "Completely impassable. Check out our video on Moose Track Adventures Facebook. It was very dangerous getting out yesterday. Not sure how the levels will be in the 4th… but some portages will be completely washed out when the water recedes. "

Wow!!! Watched your video. We exited ep16 1 week ago today. Can't imagine. I've been on flooded moving water portages b4 but not like that.

Glad you made it out safely.

Is the Forest Service making rounds at effected areas letting campers know that portages are like that.
06/23/2024 07:54AM
Wow, that's a lot of water if it completely covers and obscures the portages, not to mention the rapids/falls that are beneath them! Those are conditions one would normally not want to paddle in until the rivers subside.
06/20/2024 12:56PM
We leave for our trip to EP16 over the 4th, curious how high is the river? Its been years since we have been there and when we were it was a low year. With the high water are any of the portages passable now or is it not to those level?
06/25/2024 02:37PM
Does anyone have any info on EP 8, for Moose River South? I'm hoping water levels are down by July 10....
06/25/2024 04:23PM
I’m on Oyster right now. I talked with the forest service. I told them I was exiting tomorrow via moose river. He told no one is prevented from exiting but to expect white water conditions. I’m thinking of taking the LIS out on Thursday instead.
06/27/2024 03:11PM
I just exited LIS this morning. It doesn’t look like the river has dropped much since last week. If you’re entering LIS or Moose River anytime soon, use extreme caution. The top of Elm portage is flooded and you need to be extremely aware of the current(stay to the left). The usual landing at the entry point is also flooded, but safe from the current-fairly easy loading or unloading. BUT the current is extremely fast once on the river. Don’t attempt to paddle out into the current, turn quickly down stream. Entry Point #14
06/27/2024 05:13PM
Plz help me understand the water
flow. The moose River flows north. The curtain falls is flowing south. Where does this meet and change????

06/27/2024 06:30PM
HeidiHideout: "Plz help me understand the water
flow. The moose River flows north. The curtain falls is flowing south. Where does this meet and change????


Curtain Falls empties into Iron in a west direction. Not far from there Rebecca Falls (Canada) empties out Iron Lake flowing north.
06/25/2024 03:10PM
How do the levels compare to June 2022? We were in LLC and water was up at the very least 10’.
06/25/2024 05:25PM
Yes and you'd be paddling upstream against them with some dangerous eddy pools and cross currents, I'd imagine! Good call.