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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Boat Builders and Repair :: Canvas
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04/25/2010 03:38PM
I have a 15" lake kayak that I bought as a kit while serving time in Viet Nam. I assembled it in colorado in 1972 and now the old canvas has detiorated. Is there a special canvas for canoes or can you use any canvas avaliable, like canvas drop cloths. This kayak has a flat bottom, so do I need to add an keel for stability on BWCA lakes? I am in favor of canoeing with two or more partners. I have been looking for a "Canoe Partner" for sometime. I am now considering solo with this kayak seeing that I can never find someone to go with.
04/25/2010 08:08PM
I don't think you need to think about a keel. Have you ever paddled the boat? IF not, and if the canvas is good enough to keep water out, then go for a spin and see what you think.

Keels tend to help with tracking and not so much stability. Keels also tend to drag on rocks :)

This solo thing is a catchy thing that happens to infect paddlers (some older ones like me too). Age is just a state of mind

I see we hail from the same era. Canoe partner........ Where are you from now?

canvas? I don't know, but someone around here will know.

Viet Nam era huh? That was a tough era. I served in the Coast Guard 1966-1970. I dodged a bullet. Some of my friends were not so lucky.

Good luck with that restoration. Seems the boat means something to you and you should get her restored and on the water.
04/26/2010 08:46PM
I live in Portales, New Mexico and it seems that around here no one knows what true wilderness is and is scared of water, so I can never find anyone to go canoeing with. My wife is scared of water also and won't go in over her knees.
I was a heavy equipment operator in the U.S Navy Seebees. I spent 13 months in Viet Nam.
The 1967 Kayaks canvas is tearing all apart, so that is why I need the canvas. You can't buy anything like it around here.
I am 63 years old and retired. I just can't imagine not going canoeing as often as I want. I have considered solo but I have read articles of men getting in real trouble alone.