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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Quetico Forum :: Water levels at Silver falls
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06/04/2024 11:31AM
Good info, I’ll be thru there later this month.
05/28/2024 10:14AM
I’m interested in this question, too.

I know that in years prior when water was really high, getting to the portage from the Cache side wasn’t a big deal.

On the landing side you come out in a calm little bay and then paddle perpendicular to a swift where the lower falls empties.
When the water is highest it pushes your canoe a bit side ways to the right when crossing, but a few strong strokes and you are through without any issues.

(If you’ve gone through this area you know all this so apologies in advance :-).
06/10/2024 10:33PM
Just curious Marshall prime how your trip went. We delayed our two weeks because my grandson sprained his ankle.
05/29/2024 09:59PM
We may see you. We are take a tow with Seagull outfitters to hook island on June 4th and coming out the 13th. Our goal is Kawnipi but I kind of wish we were going a couple of days later with the forecast of rain. I am hoping the front goes through quicker than expected. My grandsons are a little inexperienced and I'm 70 so we may only get just past Deadman portage. Best of luck to you!
05/29/2024 10:06PM
Thanks for the info about silver falls. Last year I got this far with a buddy of mine, but we both struggled on the portage for different reasons. My knee went out so we limited ourselves to one portage and stayed / fished around long island. Good time but a little humbling for a couple of old guys. Some very kind portage angels helped us with our packs and canoe. I am hoping my grandson can carry the weight this year because this is probably going to be my last attempt for Kawnipi. If we don't make it, I really don't care. Looking forward to quality time with the boys and hope the rain doesn't make the falls too treacherous.
06/03/2024 12:56PM
We paddled across the bottom of Silver Falls on Sunday May 26. Flow was low and the rapids below the falls was not an issue. In fact, when we paddled through and looked up stream, there sat a boat fishing! Water level on Saganagons was down about a foot from last year.
05/30/2024 10:03PM
Thanks to everyone! Good info and great encouragement.
05/27/2024 08:27PM
I am taking my three grandsons (teenagers) hopefully to Kawnipi early June and was wondering how the water levels were around the Falls Chain route from Cache Bay.
05/28/2024 10:06PM
We will be doing that exact route, up to Kawnipi June 6th to 13th.

I can report back unless you are up there with us, you said early June. That would be then.

Dont have to worry about a Fire ban with all the rain up there recently and this weekend, the way it looks.

05/30/2024 12:10PM
Deancal, sounds like a great trip planned with your grandsons!
I can verify that right now Silver Falls is pretty easy to navigate. Stick to the right hand side as you come around the corner at the top of the falls, and you should have no problem seeing and reaching the portage. Right now there is even a bit of a beach area to pull up the canoe.
The bottom of Silver Falls, with the flow that RG123 and Terry mentioned, is also easy to navigate right now. There is a little bit of flow, but not anything that would cause problems. (Nothing compared to the high waters of last year). Sticking to the center of this passageway makes it easiest!
I haven't made it through the Falls Chain yet this year, but from what I've heard from others the portages are easy to access and there is not high water.
Of course, always always always excercise caution around the falls, as they are nothing to play around with or lose concentration around. However, right now the water levels seem fairly average and there is not any heightened danger to what there normally is around the falls.
05/30/2024 07:15AM
I took my wife to Quetico in 2008 during the end of June. The water levels were almost at historic highs. At Cache Bay, the water was up into covered waiting area. Janice warned up about the Silver Falls outflow and told us how many were rolling over in the current. Rather than try to shoot across the current perpendicular, she advised us to start about as far away from the bluff to your right as you felt comfortable with, ease the nose into the current and then paddle hard at an angle to the current. Within a few strokes, you would be across the swift current before hitting the bluff sideways, which would roll you. We did this, and made it just fine going and coming. It's counterintuitive to start higher in the current because we want to stay away from it, but starting too low with fast outflow will push you into the little bluff and roll you over. Normally, there is no problem at all. In high water, it can be tricky. We met several people on Silver Falls portage who had just rolled, were soaking wet, and had lost a lot of their gear.

Be safe, and have fun. I'll be in that area fishing on Saganagons about a week after you come out. It's a great fishing area!

05/30/2024 07:27AM
I just wrote the above message. I'm not a guest paddler, just forgot to log in. My bad.
