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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: Pancakes per Mile
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06/01/2019 07:39AM
I'm surprised so many dislike pancakes. I bring a box of dry mix that only needs water. Make em thin and have extras for lunch (PBnJ pancake sandwich). So many uses for it I think. Pancakes themselves, bread slices, and fish batter if you need.
05/13/2017 08:08AM
Anyone every try adding a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of baking soda per cup of pancake mix. Very light and airy results!

05/07/2017 12:11PM
quote marsonite: "I like pancakes though I never monkeyed with them on a trip. Just seemed like too many dishes to do afterwards. I can see the reasoning though. When you're out there burning calories, you don't want to be on the paleo diet; you want some easy to digest carbs. I remember also Verlon saying that the body is like a furnace, and when there is a hot fire going, you can throw anything you want at it."

You can mix scones or biscuits in a slighlty oiled frying pan. If you add water slowly and reserve a bit of the mix to "powder" the outside of the biscuits, you won't make a mess. You can eat the biscuits right out of the pan, and just wipe out the pan when done no dishes. I think these are as good as pancakes, but a lot less mess. You have to make the biscuits thin and flip them once to get them done though.

05/07/2017 07:28AM
I like pancakes though I never monkeyed with them on a trip. Just seemed like too many dishes to do afterwards. I can see the reasoning though. When you're out there burning calories, you don't want to be on the paleo diet; you want some easy to digest carbs. I remember also Verlon saying that the body is like a furnace, and when there is a hot fire going, you can throw anything you want at it.
05/04/2017 10:59AM
We often did pancakes. One of my favorites was one I made with the Krusteas Honey Wheat mix (just add water) and added a bit of cinnamon and chopped pecans.

Made pancakes with oatmeal muffin mix (added an egg per the recipe, and Nido for the milk, and just more water than necessary for muffins. That one was good with the pecans added, too.

Cornmeal pancakes were a favorite, too. Corn muffin mix with the egg and Nido added, and again, more water than for muffins.

Always North Country real maple syrup. We never would go up there without that.

We didn't eat a big lunch, but we fortified ourselves with breakfast. Usually pancakes or hash browns and a couple eggs or some bacon.
05/04/2017 12:42AM
I recall that Beav ate pancakes on his Alaska trip. I'm considering taking along some Bisquick for pancakes and bread on my adventures this year. FRED
06/02/2019 10:16AM
Kind of an old thread, but it's never to late to talk pancakes, which I LOVE. Favorite breakfast in the BW, and usually do twice during a 7-10 dayer. To Ben's original question - YES - I definitely do stuff to make my pancakes "last longer" on my insides.

My mix is:
- 3 parts Red Mill or other whole grain pancake mix (important)
- 1 part powdered whey protein
- 1 part oatmeal, the real stuff - not instant.
- add plenty of real butter and maple syrup.

The whole grain, course ground pancake mix has more complex carbs that are going to take longer to break down, as does the oatmeal. The fat in the butter and the whey protein burn even more slowly. I make two pancakes one at a time in my little GSI pan - they do take a couple extra minutes to let everything cook, but thats a good time to nibble precooked bacon and sip coffee. I use this mix at home too - I'll never go back to just a plain box of pancake mix.

05/05/2017 09:06PM
quote Frenchy19: "I have never liked pancakes-cannot see why so many folks love them at home or on the trail. Feel like a bloated road kill in the Alabama August sun when I eat them. The thought of trying to do anything other than vomit after eating pancakes is beyond me. "

I think that's what happens when people eat stacks of them. Think balance... I eat a good piece of bacon, two eggs and a pancake everyday. I'm fussy about how much and what brand. I use real maple syrup and only a certain amount of everything. My pancake is my piece of toast.
05/04/2017 08:30PM
I have never liked pancakes-cannot see why so many folks love them at home or on the trail. Feel like a bloated road kill in the Alabama August sun when I eat them. The thought of trying to do anything other than vomit after eating pancakes is beyond me.
05/04/2017 04:47AM
I don't do pancakes; I'm fine with cold cereal, but there are lots of things you could add though - nuts, fruit, cinnamon, nutmeg, apple/pumpkin pie spice, shredded carrot or other root vegetables, chocolate, PB, flax, chia, preserves, protein powder, M&M's, broccoli . . . :)
05/07/2017 08:09PM
when I take my 22 day solo this fall I figured on taking some Bisquick for pancakes and fry bread, so this morning before I went to sleep I messed around in the kichen. Found one cup of Bisquick makes 2 nice sized pancakes, and 1 cup of Bisquick makes 3 nice sized fry bread. Put peanut butter on the fry bread and was'nt bad at all. I will not mess with breakfast every day but 2-3 times over 3 weeks seems about right. FRED
05/07/2017 08:35PM
I've cut back to using 1/2 cup hungry jack complete pancake mix. I use a generous 1/4 cup ova easy and using powdered sour cream can come up with a tasty scramble. Along with a piece or two of bacon. With 2 Oz maple syrup. I've been working on different varieties of ways to make these things. You do it enough you have a system that reduces prep and cleanup times. When I make biscuits, cleaning up is worse than regular pancakes.
05/12/2017 07:38PM
I like placing all of my dry ingredients in a baggie at home and just add water in camp. Dump biscuit, bannock, or pan cake in my BWJ fry pan to cook. I use a small amount of buttery flavor crisco in pan and just wipe out to clean.
05/21/2017 08:44PM
Pancakes is our number 1 breakfast food by far. Maybe 1-2 pancakes that are fat and 8 inch diameter for breakfast. Much depends on how big a meal the day before. Usually use Hungry Jack pre-mix pancakes.
A little honey in place of maple syrup for me.

At home it is common for me to mix oatmeal and raisins in my pancakes.
05/03/2017 02:52PM
Joe Wilderness let me read his personalized signed book from Verlyn Kruger. Time and time again he talked about his pancakes and how he found there was a direct correlation between number of pancakes and miles they could paddle. I also thought it was interesting the different ways he "fortified" them with things like wheat germ, oatmeal, and a number of other things you may not think of doing. Anybody else that does any kind of long day paddling do anything similar? Personally I could never eat a bowl of oat meal and expect to get anywhere. But add some oatmeal to my pancakes and hey... not to bad. I've been already playing with potato pancake ideas and I have to say, things like powdered sour cream and things sure help that a lot. Thank you Ken for the green onion link.