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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: Steaks?
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05/10/2017 07:19PM
We do steaks every time.

Going to freeze steaks and smoked polish this trip.

We pack 6 steaks and a dozen polish into a soft sided cooler with dry ice and it's good to go for 3 days.

07/06/2017 04:03PM
We always have steak on the first night. It is a tradition.

I take vacuum packed venison. It travels up frozen and spends the night in the outfitters freezer if we are staying a night. It is always still a frozen when we get to our first campsite.
05/09/2017 10:30AM
I did steaks on the last trip. Vac sealed ribeyes that came out of my freezer the morning we headed north. I wrapped them in newspaper and put them in the bottom of my small soft sided cooler with an ice pack on top and that went into a small dry bag. That went into a larger hard sided cooler along with brats and some beer and ice. The brats and beer were consumed at the campground the night before we went in. The next morning, I pulled the ice pack out and the soft sided cooler went into the pack. We had the steaks that night after letting them thaw out completely. We could have had them the next night if we wanted.
05/09/2017 11:53AM
Did steaks for the first time last year. Followed the recommendations on here, vac sealed then froze the two NY strips separately, then wrapped in several layers of newspaper and nestled in the center of the pack which was kept out of the sun all day.

Had to give them about 30 mins out of the newspaper before throwing them above the fire.
05/12/2017 04:01PM
We bring steaks on some trips. We have a good local butcher. I spice them at home with fresh crushed garlic, steak seasoning, and pepper. I then vacuum seal them and store them in the freezer until the trip. They are kept frozen overnight. I have had to defrost them in camp the first day because they were still frozen solid.
07/21/2017 02:53PM
I did steaks for the first time this year. Loved it. I marinated them with mushrooms for a day then froze them. All I did was wrap them up good in paper towels and placed them in top of the food barrel to absorb any moisture from thawing. After a 6 hour drive and getting to our site they were still froze pretty good. I will probably be making this a tradition from now on.
05/08/2017 07:30AM
I've read a number of trip reviews that included steaks early in the trip. Never tried this, but want to for our September trip. Is the idea to pack them frozen in some kind of insulation? Would love any good ideas on this. We are going to be on the water for four or five days, it would be great to step up our food game this time.
05/08/2017 07:36AM
We have our boneless ribeye cut 3/4" thick and individually vacuum sealed and frozen. We take advantage of our outfitter's (VNO) freezer so that they are solid right up to the morning we enter. Actually, we put fit the entire insulated pack, still loaded with all of our frozen goods, inside the freezer. The steaks are consumed the first night, but the bacon, boneless chicken breasts, and sausage will be frosty/cold enough to Day 3. We trip in late July/early August and we sometimes need to set things out on the rocks to thaw before cooking.

05/08/2017 04:24PM
We buy them in town and freeze them the night before at outfitters. We also do some sausage and/or bacon. Sometimes chicken breasts, butter. It is all frozen individually wrapped in newspaper. Then brown-bagged and nested in center of pack. No cooler. Meat the first night, the next morning,and second night. Bacon keeps longest. Usually around Memorial Day; not in the heat of mid summer. Has worked very well with no problems. After second day it is gone.
05/08/2017 05:28PM
No finer steaks than the meat shop in Goodland. Whether it steak, bacon, flavored chops... mmmm. Freeze and put in an insulated bag or whatever. They are good on the first night, but night two or three they might have an even better appeal. My bag is like a zippered bank bag only insulated.
05/08/2017 06:38PM
Great info, thanks!
05/08/2017 06:39PM
Will definitely be checking out that meatshop, thanks.