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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: Close enough to spring!
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04/13/2023 10:45AM
Mapmaker: "Only year 2 for me dehydrating, still lots to learn. Been trying recipes from Backpacker Chef (different meats, veggies, fruit, bark for chips and/or soup/stew base) and dialing in fuel usage. Couple pictures of prepping single serving sizes to send to my fall tripmates for taste testing. Plus more info for me to make decisions for my May solo where I want to minimize weight as much as possible so I have the option to single carry at least portions of the trip.

Good looking dog (food, too)!
03/01/2023 06:45PM
We are dehydrating bananas, apples, pears, peaches, blueberries, applesauce, and oranges...some of our favorite treats on trips!
03/01/2023 04:05PM
Just loaded the car for a 5-night trip to Florida's Suwannee River. Used our 30+ year-old homemade dryer to dehydrate shrimp, hummus, chicken, beef, apples, ham, mixed veggies, & beans for various meals for the trip. When we return, we'll start menu planning (and the associated food dehydration) for our 2023 Quetico trip. Best cure for the fever is to paddle it off--it's spring somewhere!

03/20/2023 11:15AM


Never though of dehydrating hummus. How does it do rehydrating?
03/06/2023 11:27AM
Only year 2 for me dehydrating, still lots to learn. Been trying recipes from Backpacker Chef (different meats, veggies, fruit, bark for chips and/or soup/stew base) and dialing in fuel usage. Couple pictures of prepping single serving sizes to send to my fall tripmates for taste testing. Plus more info for me to make decisions for my May solo where I want to minimize weight as much as possible so I have the option to single carry at least portions of the trip.

02/27/2023 02:57PM
Although I’m sure we’re due for some more winter weather here in SE Iowa - I’m tired of waiting for spring. I need to oil the gunwales on the canoe but it’s too early to get it out so today I ran some ingredients through the Excalibur in preparation for making some dried meals. I’ve got chicken, hamburger, and ham drying, as well as some onion, celery and rice. What’re some of the others of you doing to cure the fever?