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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: Great PrePackaged Meals
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05/07/2007 02:43PM
Any other manufacturers of good stuff out there?
05/07/2007 03:20PM
ok canoepaddle

let us know when you find good prepackaged stuff fishguts!
05/07/2007 02:49PM
can't recommend any prepackaged stuff fishguts. we have a dehydrator (3 actually) and make all our own meals. you can dehydrate just about anything and homemade stuff is the best! if you are interested they are excalibur brand dehydrators and i highly recommend them to make your own tasty, light bwca meals. can give you more info if you want.
05/03/2007 05:50AM
for me, mountain house has always been reliable. i havent had a bad one yet. Jan
05/03/2007 12:42PM
Beware of the Mountain House Mexican Tostada - it bites back!
05/03/2007 12:48PM
Bear Creek wild rice soup mix with a package or two of the foil chicken. Very easy and very tasty.

05/07/2007 03:08PM
I live in Oregon. I really don't want to take my home-dehydrated food on the airplane or ship it to Ely. So good quality camping food could be the answer for us!!! Is there any out there?
05/07/2007 03:09PM

How about a new thread about what you dry and take to BWCA using your dehydrator. I also have an Excalibur but I'm just starting to use it for BWCA meals. I've done the dried hamburger and spaghetti sauce, jerky, salsa, and some dried veggies but I'm always looking for real life experiences and what works and what doesn't. With 3 dehydrators, you obviously have lots to share.

11/02/2007 04:31PM
Before going to the Mountain Houses, etc. walk up and down the aisles at your supermarket. There now seems to be tremendous selections of pre-packaged foods. Especially, look in the ethnic food areas; there are lots of lo meins and other noodles, pastas, rice dishes (jambalaya, paella, etc.). Some you may want to add extra (meat or spice)to it, but some are great right out of the box. You can even find dehydrated portebello mushrooms for your omelets and dinners...

05/12/2007 11:41PM
I wonder about freeze-dried .
05/12/2007 11:41PM
I wonder about freeze-dried . Can you do it? I had a cheap stack dehydrator once but I guess I sliced the stuff up too thick or didn't dry long enough. Google search the net/web for " packaged dehydrated food"-I'm sure there's plenty to try. I like mac & cheese with pouch tuna.
05/03/2007 12:56PM
We have used Cache Lake Meals for a couple of trips now ( or at midwest mountaineering in minneapolis). The Fryin Pan breads and the Wild rice soups are excellent! Also, we use Sturdiwheat pancake mixes. ( There's nothing better than the raspberry pancakes. They have some whole wheat in them, so they give you a little extra energy and stick with you a little better. Plus, if you buy the sampler, the pancakes mix up in their own foil pouch. Very handy and less cleanup! Both are great local MN companies. Give them a try! --and no, I don't work for them or any thing...Just a happy customer!
05/03/2007 01:31PM
Cache Lake is great, also Bear Creek soups with foil chicken, Bear Creek Clam Chowder, mmmmm. Also, I've recently tried Mary Jane's Farm and everything was good. ( Lots of stuff available in your grocery store as well.

05/02/2007 10:36PM
I know there are some great pre-Packaged meals out there, some Dehydrated and some not. Some of the meals the outfitters stick you with sound good and are terrible.
Any ideas on good ones and where you can get them?