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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: Instant Milk
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04/20/2013 08:00AM
I switched to NIDO years ago and won't be switching back.

Like some others, I add it ahead of time to mixes that I want to prepare in camp (things like cornbread, bannock, etc.) and I also take a small jar along to add to instant oatmeal before adding the water. A little added makes the hot chocolate richer, too.

Because I have bought a large container of it, I always have it at home in case I run out of milk and am making some recipe that calls for milk, too.
04/19/2013 08:24PM
yes i have brought some in , you'll never mistake it for whole milk but it does the job in the BW. perfect if your recipe's call for milk.
Savage Voyageur
04/19/2013 08:51PM
It works just fine for your cooking recipe's. Like shock said you will never mistake it for the real thing.
04/19/2013 02:39PM
Has anyone tried this?

My interest isn't so much for drinking but for those shelf items that need milk for prep.

04/19/2013 11:39PM
+1 for Nido. Carnation instant does not even come close to tasting like milk. Nido comes very close to tasting like whole milk not 1%.
04/20/2013 02:52PM
We find Nido in our local wally world. I have noticed that it comes in smaller sizes now. Last year I had to buy a pretty big container. I didn't use all of it before I through it out. I agree with what other say about it.

In some stores you will have to look in the Hispanic section if they have one to find it.
04/19/2013 10:48PM
If your looking for more of a whole milk taste I would look around for Nido brand. Nido
04/20/2013 01:03PM
never heard of nido, will definitely put it on the list thanks
04/19/2013 09:26PM
quote Savage Voyageur: "It works just fine for your cooking recipe's. Like shock said you will never mistake it for the real thing. "

I add powdered milk into the making before leaving, when I'm making up stuff like bannock, or pancakes. I'm playing with it now looking for a instant sort of cream sauce.....