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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: sweet potatoes
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02/06/2017 12:27AM
I decided to try to dehydrated some sweet potatoes for this years trips. I sliced a couple of potatoes into 1/8 ich slices, cooked them in boiling water till they where done , drained them and let them cool. Put them on one of my plastic sheets and set the dehydrator at 165 degrees and went to bed [I work nights] slept for 4 hours and checked them, they were dry but not brittle. To rehydrate them I put them in a freezer bag with boiling water for about 1/2 hour. I put a little brown sugar on them and enjoyed. They tasted just like ones I fix at home. I'm sure some will go along on my solo trips. FRED
02/06/2017 10:50AM
I bet mashed sweet potatoes would work well too. Hmmm... maybe something to think about for cold weather camping.
02/10/2017 08:06PM
I agree sweet potatoes are great. Here's a recipe for sweet potatoes that I've used. These were a hit. Always meant to rehydrate them and have mashed sweet potatoes, but they got munched as snacks before I could. This is from the book "Recipes for Adventure" which has been a great source of recipes for trail food for me.

Sweet Potato Bark
Snack on sweet potato bark while hiking – chewing it slowly to
enjoy the hints of cinnamon and maple syrup. In the evening, it
makes a tasty side dish of mashed sweet potatoes. For
breakfast, use it in a high-energy porridge with apples and
raisins. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, potassium, vitamin A,
and carbohydrates.
Once you’ve tried sweet potato bark, try blending carrots or
fruits into the mix.
1 large or 2 small to medium Sweet Potatoes
(approx. 13 ounces before peeling)
1?2 Cup Apple Juice
1 Tbsp Real Maple Syrup
1 tsp Cinnamon (may include nutmeg)
Yield Dry: Approx. 3?4 Cup of bark weighing 21?2 ounces.
Peel sweet potatoes and cut into chunks. Boil until soft, drain,
and mash. Stir in apple juice, maple syrup, and cinnamon. If you
like nutmeg, you may replace half of the cinnamon with
nutmeg. Run the mashed sweet potatoes through a blender
until creamy.
Dehydrate: (follow this procedure for Sweet Potato Bark,
Double A Root Bark, and Fruit Root Bark)
Cover dehydrator trays with non-stick Excalibur Paraflexx®
sheets, parchment paper, or the fruit leather inserts that came
with your dehydrator.
Above: Blend cooked sweet potatoes until creamy and spread
thinly on dehydrator tray. Flip the bark over after about six
hours of drying.
Spread thinly and as evenly as possible on covered dehydrator
trays. Shoot for an eighth inch thickness.
Dehydrate at 135° for eight to ten hours. The sweet potatoes
will form a sheet that may have cracks running through it. After
about six hours of drying, peel the bark off the non-stick sheets
and flip it over to expose the bottom side to more hot air for the
remainder of the drying time. Place the bark directly on the
mesh dehydrator trays without the non-stick sheets.
Depending on how long you dry it, the sweet potato sheet will
either tear like fruit leather or break into bark. For snacking and
short term use, you may prefer to dry it to the leather stage. If
packing for a trip that will last more than a month, dry it longer
to the snappy bark stage.
02/06/2017 04:26PM
Thanks Fog51. "I like 'em taters uh huh."
02/10/2017 08:26AM

I decided to copycat you, with a gigantic sweet potato that I bought at whole foods. The web suggested cooling the slices in a little lemon juice water, and then drying at 125F. Apparently doing this is quite popular for dog treats. Mine did not quite dry overnight in the Excalibur at 125F. I would probably do 135F next time. They taste really good, and yes the dog likes them too. I will probably do a few more gigantic ones next week.

02/10/2017 11:14PM
guys you're making this way to hard
Ok let me share a little secert about sweet taters
Everytime we see one all we can think about is thanksgiving
You gotta take a step outside the box and embrace your wild side a bit
Ok go grab one of those over grown giant sweet taters and peel it
how grab the grater of your choice and get busy.
When you're done fill a pan with water, bring it to a boil and drop handfuls of your grated tatters in the water for 3 to 5 minutes. The tiny piece cook fast and when tender(sampling is allowed of course) fish them out and drop into ice water to stop the cooking process.
Lay the finished grated tatters on paper towels and remove as much water as possible
Now spread this grated gold out on trays and dry away
what you have created is a multi tasking camp food. Light weight with endless ways to prepare and eat so you're not facing the dreaded "not this again blues"
OK how about adding a cup of grated tatters to a boiling 1 1/2 cups of water. Let set for 10 minutes mash and add to your favorite pancake or bannock
Lunch? Kick up that lowly packet of instant noodles with some grated potato's, dried sausage and a few shots of chili sauce
Dinner? Heck everything from "candied tatters"(honey/sugar nutmeg et et) to sweet potato patties( mashed tatters with just enought of your favorite breading mix for a binder) to lightly fried with butter(glee) and your choice of seasonings
One of my favorites is adding some to a quick bowl of instant oatmeal eat half of a big batch, add a pinches of flour to the remainer and gentle pan bake a sweet potato oatmeal type bannock for snacking during the day

04/04/2017 06:28PM
quote mirth: "I bet mashed sweet potatoes would work well too. Hmmm... maybe something to think about for cold weather camping."

This sounds AWESOME for Camptober!!! Maybe a root mash of Rutabaga, Sweet Potato, and Parsnip!
03/30/2017 12:06PM
Bump on the bark love the stuff Backpack chef has great ideas on his site.