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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Photography in the BWCA :: November photo of the day
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11/15/2015 01:25PM
white pine and fog, my back yard
11/14/2015 07:48PM
my front yard

first snow of the season. it will melt soon, back to fall for a bit and then winter eventually. you're looking north across gunflint lake, through the narrows into magnetic lake. canada to the right of the narrows, USA to the right. Livin' on the Edge! LOL
11/19/2015 09:44PM
this was my 30th year in the BW/Q so i'll be posting shots from that as we go.

my first camp is someplace on the Echo Trail,that way i can go into the BW first thing in the AM.this year it was Echo Lake and the temperature was around 93!
11/20/2015 11:08AM

this is the beaver dam near the Cross River entry point 50 landing. we've had 3-4 inches of rain in 2 days. the stone dock at the landing is under water.

11/20/2015 11:42AM
Cross River entry looks a lot different than it did 2 months ago ;).
12/01/2015 06:46AM
Capture Minnesota quote bapabear: "I still can not post a link on this site."
12/01/2015 07:37PM
Capture Minnesota is a website where mostly amateur photographers post their best pictures shot in Minnesota in numerous different categories. Other members can view them, vote on them or love them, and sometimes leave comments as well. The quality of the photography is amazing and it generates enthusiasm and ideas for those who frequent the site. Once a year they publish a book with the best of that years photos.

I have been a member for 8 years and have nearly 600 photos on the site. Also a member of Capture Wisconsin, same thing but photos taken in WI.

A lot of fun if you are really into photography. They are free sites, just have to register with a username and password to view others' photos or post your own.
11/28/2015 10:44AM

11/28/2015 03:56PM
quote Mocha: "

this morning, on the gunflint trail"

What a great photo! I hesitate to ask but with all the wonderful photos you get are you a contributor to Capture Minnesota?

11/18/2015 06:38PM
from a day paddle on Loon Lake, November 2012.
11/18/2015 08:04PM
Drove half way across the state today to take pictures of the lighthouse, got there and the pier was closed for maintenance and they had a damn van parked next to the lighthouse, I took two crap fotos, got rained out, turned around and came home. This is the the best I could do with what I got.
11/18/2015 09:37PM
quote Mocha: "quote hobbydog: "Some Yellowlegs


well now, those are pretty delicate birdies! where do they live? and i like that grassy stuff in the water, too... i bet you took pictures of that grass?"

They like wetlands but I always see them in ditches in NW MN. They will stay until everything freezes over.
11/19/2015 01:35PM
Root River near Lanesboro
11/30/2015 10:37PM
I still can not post a link on this site.
11/30/2015 10:36PM

I've posted a few on this and also on Capture Wisconsin.
11/25/2015 09:48AM

Unfortunately the longest lens I have is a 50mm so I don't have much reach, but 24MPs allows me a lot of crop without the picture falling apart too badly.

I have an app that allows me to control my camera from my phone/ipad so I just set up the camera next to the bird feeder go inside, set on the couch and wait for the birds. It doesn't make me a good bird photographer, but it is fun. :)
11/25/2015 08:21PM

in August the LIS is reduced to a well worn path thru the weeds
11/26/2015 12:39PM
the first batch for dinner today
11/26/2015 03:52PM

Camped in the Northern American Highlands State Forest in mid November at a 104 site campground and we were the only ones there. It can be hard to find interesting and colorful subjects to photograph at that time of year but not this morning.
11/16/2015 06:32PM
Pigeon River. left side is usa, right side canada.
11/16/2015 06:53PM
Some Yellowlegs

11/16/2015 07:14PM
quote hobbydog: "Some Yellowlegs


well now, those are pretty delicate birdies! where do they live? and i like that grassy stuff in the water, too... i bet you took pictures of that grass?
11/22/2015 01:04PM
I spent the last few days chasing pheasants in South Dakota. It is nice to carry a camera phone and capture some pictures where an SLR would not be practical. Do you ever wish some of your subjects could tell their story?
11/23/2015 06:40AM

Sunset over the prairie at Glendalough State Park
11/23/2015 06:31PM
Evening light in South Dakota

11/23/2015 07:45PM

Sometimes fall colors are not so much in just the trees...
11/23/2015 09:34PM

11/24/2015 06:44AM
quote Mocha: " "
Wow! That is cool. How'd you pull that off?
11/24/2015 04:44PM
LOL... thanks for making me laugh. you don't know me but you hit the nail on the head. if i tried to do it again i probably couldn't. it was a perfectly beautiful morning, everything covered in that kind of frost. only lasted a few hours then it all fell off whatever it was stuck to.
11/24/2015 04:46PM

this morning, on the gunflint trail
11/24/2015 05:21PM
quote Mocha: "

this morning, on the gunflint trail"

I love this one makes the viewer wonder what captured the foxes attention.
11/29/2015 02:50PM
what is that? i've not heard of that.

from this morning.