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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Bird Watchers :: Warblers
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01/20/2011 06:39AM
Hello All,

This summer will be my first trip to the BW, and was curious to know what varieties of warblers migrate through or summer there. I will be there mid to late August, so I am assuming that most will be heading south at that point?

01/21/2011 04:05PM
I have seen and identified at least ten different types of warblers in the BWCA. Some of them like the yellow warbler will probably have migrated out of that area but most of them should still be around and in good numbers because of the juvenile population.

The biggest problem for me is that the breeding males have lost most of their color so identification is more difficult and the thick foliage makes them difficult to find. I can pretty much assure you that you will see yellow rumped, pine, black & white, along with american redstarts, and northern parulas.

Hope you have good weather and a great trip.