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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Bird Watchers :: Springs a comin
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04/08/2013 08:43AM
quote Zulu: "I like the black and white contrast on the swans and arrangement Mooseplums. Nice shot. "

04/07/2013 05:39PM
Overcast day, and trumpeter swans
04/07/2013 07:45PM
I like the black and white contrast on the swans and arrangement Mooseplums. Nice shot.
03/05/2013 09:40AM
I have never had Common Redpolls at my feeders here till this year. They keep my feeders empty...filled them this morning.
03/05/2013 09:27AM

I’ve just seen a whole lot of white flying around. : (
The resident chickadees where getting pretty frisky last weekend though.

04/12/2013 11:15AM
Springs a comin? Think I just saw an Arctic Tern flying over my house! Actually I just wanted to vent and share a photo from our recent trip to Costa Rica. No snow and added 172 new birds to our life list! Bird is a Trogan and the temperature was 98 degrees Fahrenheit.
04/24/2013 12:45PM
Great photo of the Osprey Moosplums! I like the accumulated snow on the tree branches and on the birds back.

I had a Merlin waiting near the feeders the other morning. I was wondering why it got so quiet.

On our Wednesday morning Bird watching outing we saw two Hermit Thrush at Kawishiwi Falls. I also had a Dark Eyed Junco visit the feeder that was a sub-species called Oregon that I have never seen before.
04/24/2013 12:14PM
I have been seeing a lot of Ospreys migrating through south central MN
04/17/2013 03:08PM

A pair of Canada Geese had been hanging around the parking lot at work for the past week. The female seemed to be reorganizing dead leaves and other debris in the landscaping since last Thursday. Yesterday someone looked out the copy room window and saw that it laid at least 4 eggs. There is now an office pool on how many babies will end up in the nest. Me, I’m betting on the raccoons. : )

04/17/2013 06:04PM
Even though there is 25 inches of snow on the ground and 30 inches of ice here in Ely some new birds are arriving.

Today I saw a Red Tail Hawk, Herring Gulls, a Red Winged Black Bird and Turkey Vultures.
Yesterday it was a Yellow Rumped Warbler, a Male Junco and a pair of Gadwalls.

The only open water is the Shagawa and Kawishiwi Rivers where there are plenty of Golden Eyes, Hooded and Common Mergansers, Canada Geese, Bald Eagles and Great Blue Herons hanging around.

I heard a Saw-whet Owl last Saturday night but not since.
03/05/2013 08:56AM
Saw my first Robin on Sat, and the tom turkeys are struttin their stuff.
03/05/2013 09:13AM
I have never seen a Horned Lark. It looks like they may summer here in North St. Louis County. I will have to watch for them and all the new arrivals that are heading this way.
The Common Redpolls and Pine Grosbeaks that were abundant everyday at the feeders since December stopped visiting a few days ago. They normally are not that common here but a failure of the pine cone crop in Canada sent them south.
The feeders are somewhat quiet now with only Red Breasted Nuthatches, Blue Jays and Chickadees visiting.
03/19/2013 05:53AM
While eating lunch last Friday, my husband and I were surprised to see a Great Blue Heron flying overhead. We do live near the St Croix and there is open water, but it still seems a little early for me.
03/29/2013 07:47PM
the robins are here in force. Redwing Blackbirds, killdeer, and struttin wild turkeys.
04/07/2013 05:27PM

I had a Red Squirrel on steroids at the suet feeder this morning. I think it would have stayed put for some photos but it grabbed the feeder and was heading into the woods. It dropped it when it saw me coming with a broom.
02/28/2013 09:34AM
I have a group of Horned Larks at the end of my driveway...Horned larks are one of the earliest spring migrants...always good to see them.
I also heard the chickadees doing their spring call.
03/06/2013 09:58AM
There are about 12 at my feeders near Waseca, MN every morning..and all day
03/06/2013 11:49AM
quote boss_angler: "quote mooseplums: "Plums feeder sampler


Nice pic of the White-breasted Nuthatch.... very beautiful birds! I really enjoyed watching these hang upside down and pick at the bugs in the tree bark outside my window when I was in Eden Prairie. Seems like they were often hanging out with a small flock of black-capped chickadees."

They are among my favorites :)
03/06/2013 09:06AM
Plums feeder sampler

03/06/2013 09:44AM

I love it when the redpolls come to visit. It is kind of odd they are that far south. I never had them in the Cities. I see them a lot up north at the feeders though.

03/06/2013 10:17AM
quote mooseplums: "Plums feeder sampler


Nice pic of the White-breasted Nuthatch.... very beautiful birds! I really enjoyed watching these hang upside down and pick at the bugs in the tree bark outside my window when I was in Eden Prairie. Seems like they were often hanging out with a small flock of black-capped chickadees.
04/15/2013 10:58AM
I visited a local marsh this was lousey with ducks,geese, swans, and shore birds.
04/01/2013 08:02AM

When I got home last Thursday I heard robins and three different mourning doves. Cardinals are also calling. Geese flying over my house woke me up Saturday morning; and yesterday I saw and heard optimistic Redwing Blackbirds. It looks like this is a late February thaw though. There are still a few inches of snow on the ground and all the ponds are still frozen.

04/03/2013 09:41PM
I saw an Eastern Bluebird Saturday