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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Canoeing with kids :: Packing for a trip with kids
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06/08/2011 01:51PM
Do you think I need swimsuits? In the 10-day forecast, of the days of the trip that are available, the highest temp is 74.
06/08/2011 01:51PM
Oh and shoes...okay to take rubber boots for both girls, and then sandals? Or do I need a tennis shoe, too? Or instead of the sandals? No, I guess I want sandals available for wading....but are boots and sandals okay?
06/08/2011 01:40PM
Getting ready to go next week, Tuesday through Saturday.

I'm getting nervous that I will either A) pack way too much, or B) forget something essential.


For clothes: I have two outfits per child, but then I had to include two outfits of pants/long sleeve shirts, and two of shorts and t's. Maybe I could get by with 2 of the long pants and shirts and then just one pair of shorts. ?? Or only one pair of pants? That makes me nervous. Though we'll also have rain gear along...

I know I have the food more than covered, but I also feel like it's not overly excessive.

Not sure I have enough "toys." I think I only have the packable set of beach toys along....
06/08/2011 06:37PM
OK,we're a bit different because all three kids can wear the same clothes, so if one kid needs extra, I can grab it from another kid.

I also have one kid who will be wet all day long whether it rains or not and one kid who will be dry all day long even if it rains... go figure.

- We took only boots and sandals, it worked fine.
- Kids DID swim, but one skinny dipped and same kid also swam in her clothes, swim suits are SMALL however, so if they won't swim in undies or naked, and they like swimming, I would bring the suits. Weather forecast lies.
- We brought fleece mostly and 1 pair shorts a piece. They did not wear the shorts. None of them. One wore swim trunks (same as shorts) briefly, but did not get them wet. My youngest was constantly soaked (over her boots within minutes). Good thing she doesn't often complain... but she did exceed her two fleece outfits immediately and started in on her siblings and even an adult fleece vest...

Think about your kids and their personalities. I gave up bringing extra clothes for my 12 year old because she honestly will NEVER be wet. So one extra set for emergencies for her and I know it will be someone else using it.

Toys - no worries. Bring the beach set, you can borrow our nets if you like, grab a deck of cards, then use nature up there!
06/08/2011 03:15PM
I bought generic crocs for Evan last year. They are always dry and with socks can be warm. He didn't wear shoes most of the time around camp though. No idea about rubber boots, they would be ok if they didn't fill with water. My neighbor's kid wears them all summer long every single day so they must be comfortable.

Kids like to swim even if it is cool, but they don't really need swim suits up there. A pair of shorts would work- I think (i have boys so...)

Make sure to bring some flannel cozy pj's.
06/08/2011 03:21PM
My head hurts. lol.

If your not portaging much, take it all. Kids clothes just don't weigh that much.