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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: GPS :: Delorme Draw Files
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03/19/2012 05:14PM
Yeh, that was a curveball, I was having trouble with both until I pulled my head outta my ass. I'll tell you about it later, you know how insecure I am
03/22/2012 05:32AM
thanks butthead
I may have to invest the time,
really makes the campsites stand out
just read about another texting while walking accident
so anything that minimizes the time with my nose in the GPS is a good thing

your signature message also reminds me, I should listen to some Zappa, haven't listened for many years
03/20/2012 04:20PM
OK, relax and have a good time with this. On the issue of loading maps, at one point there's a file catalog that pops up so you can pick all maps or just the ones you want. I looked at it, "yep, that looks like the maps I want", clicked copy. Didn't check a dam thing, just clicked copy. That adequately explains why the maps weren't copying. Now, the draw files. Basically the same thing, except I was marking my "waypoints" with symbols, not waypoint markers. Again, that would explain why there were no waypoints in the file, since I didn't PUT any in there. I got it by the cods now, my brother...-;)
03/20/2012 05:06PM

Hang in there Max, when you select a map to sync, an option list is available to chose image overlays. Select the overlays and zoom levels you want to use and save as desired. That is the mapset to sync with your GPS or chip.

03/22/2012 02:50AM
quote ZaraSp00k: "butthead, I really like your campsite symbols, is that something you created? or is that new in a later version of Topo? "

They are standard symbols in the draw selection, it's a bit tedious to convert them but not difficult.


03/21/2012 09:22PM
butthead, I really like your campsite symbols, is that something you created? or is that new in a later version of Topo?
03/22/2012 12:34PM
Think I'll be movin' to Montana, soon....
03/22/2012 01:12PM
----to raise me up a crop of dental floss----
Do NOT get me started, Maxx.


03/22/2012 02:16PM
hahahahahahahaha, my mind just wanders real bad sometimes
03/18/2012 04:30PM
Use the Handheld Export tab, select Sync to bring up the connection with the GPS or chip to export drawn maps.

03/18/2012 04:35PM

If saved they are listed as ".an2 (3,4,5,etc) files in the Draw folder.
Click Lock to keep them on the map displayed.

03/18/2012 06:10PM
Here's what's happening right now. No data is loading to the sd card. The map package discs go through the whole process, says they're through, click finish yayayaya. The card is empty. I've tried it with the card in the socket on my computer, in the unit, and in an adapter, nothing. Tried different cards, I'm somewhat confused. I just tried with a different computer, same thing.
03/19/2012 03:26AM
The Delorme Forums, can be very helpful. Lots of answers on a variety of issues involving their products.
Sounds like you are trying to load the pre-cut maps on disk, to the GPS. A different procedure from adding a custom drawn map using the "Transfer To Handheld Sync.

03/18/2012 04:30PM
Nevermind, I don't have any maps. Now I can figure THAT out...;-)
03/18/2012 03:35PM
I've made some draw files on TOPO 9, the import instructions are "yayayayaya, point to Manage Waypoints, then click Send To GPS". There is no Send TO GPS in the box, 5 other commands but no Send To GPS. What's up?