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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Woodland Caribou Provincial Park :: New access point
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11/08/2013 04:23PM
quote HighnDry: "quote solotrip: "Hey Tom,

Yes there is. We currently stock the Official Park Planning Map. It'll show you the entire park (1.2 million acres), as well as all lakes and portage connections. Getting a copy in your hand would be the recommended starting point for planning a trip.

Drop me an email and I can set you up with one if you would like.

Harlan "

Harlan, I received my maps in the mail this week. Thanks for getting them out to me! I'll be in touch I'm sure with plenty of questions over the coming months. (It's a great planning map by the way :))"

Excellent. Glad you received them.

11/08/2013 04:23PM
quote nctry: "Wow! That helps get into the park a little faster too. Now we just need that Minjim route opened up. :)"
LOL. No worries, we are making sure that route is cut out before the season as well!

11/09/2013 08:59PM
Way to go, I love it, and will probably try it next year. It sounds like the new maps are finally done. I have two on order, hope to see them soon.
11/08/2013 09:58AM
Harlan or others,

Is there a map that shows some basic routes of this area? I have never been up there but follow this forum with interest and would like to head up Harlan's way some year. Tows are a really fun way to start a trip!
11/08/2013 03:34PM
quote solotrip: "Hey Tom,

Yes there is. We currently stock the Official Park Planning Map. It'll show you the entire park (1.2 million acres), as well as all lakes and portage connections. Getting a copy in your hand would be the recommended starting point for planning a trip.

Drop me an email and I can set you up with one if you would like.

Harlan "

Harlan, I received my maps in the mail this week. Thanks for getting them out to me! I'll be in touch I'm sure with plenty of questions over the coming months. (It's a great planning map by the way :))
11/08/2013 08:14AM
Good job Harlan....Looking forward to hearing more-might be of interest for our 2014 trip.
11/08/2013 10:02AM
Hey Tom,

Yes there is. We currently stock the Official Park Planning Map. It'll show you the entire park (1.2 million acres), as well as all lakes and portage connections. Getting a copy in your hand would be the recommended starting point for planning a trip.

Drop me an email and I can set you up with one if you would like.

11/08/2013 11:47AM
Wow! That helps get into the park a little faster too. Now we just need that Minjim route opened up. :)
11/06/2013 02:07PM
We are really pleased to announce that for 2014 we will be offering a “new” access point into Woodland Caribou…well perhaps it’s not really new, it just hasn’t been practical in the past and very few, if any have actually used it. A lot of people here are likely used to having this option for entry into the BWCA or Quetico, but this is all brand new up here!

We have a new 22’ boat coming this spring with custom canoe racks. It will have the seating and weight capacity for up to 8 people, their gear and 4 canoes for the 30 km trek down the lake. Transport into the park will be via the west end of Red Lake and Trout Bay. This will mean paddlers will have only an 800 meter portage to get into Douglas Lake to begin their trip and offers direct access to the 2 different watershed route options below.

Gammon River: Entering at Douglas Lake, you are into Walleye waters as soon as the first portage is complete and offers you entry to the Gammon River system by way of Hatchet, Upper Hatchet, Embryo and Telescope Lakes.

North Route through Indian House to the Bloodvein: This seldom used option is now a lot more practical as you access Indian House Lake by way of Douglas, Hatchet, Peterson, Page, Bell and Crystal Lakes. Not only does this offer access to the Bloodvein, but it also creates options for new routes with a put-in via our new water shuttle, and take-out at Lund Lake. Most appealing about this route option is that walleye are abundant on Douglas and Hatchet, and there is an excellent chance of encountering no other groups along the stretch from Hatchet to Indian House. For groups looking for new areas to explore that are remote, this could be a really great opportunity.
In continuing with our company philosophy and volunteer work, Red Lake Outfitters will be making sure all trails within this area are free and clear of blow down before the beginning of the coming paddling season.

We are also going to be offering interpretive water tours of Red Lake itself for those interested in spending a few hours learning about the history of Red Lake. There is a lot to explore around the lake including Pictograph’s, and old Hudson Bay Post, old mine sites, interesting geological formations and even the west end historical Museum (a true gem!) located down the lake! These interpretive tours can also be included in a water shuttle to begin your trip!

Our new ride will look similar to the boat pictured below
We’ll be posting more information shortly on our website and Facebook pages for those interested.

11/06/2013 05:12PM
I knew that you'd get sick of bouncing down that road... ha!
Seriously, it does open things up a bit, and will save on your equipment and back. A good alternative to some of the fly-ins as well.
Good plan! Make sure that you equip it with an air ride seat and canopy.
12/10/2013 06:27AM
12/10/2013 09:36AM
Hey Kip,

Sorry, I must have missed your earlier post on this. Yes, we can shuttle via water to the Pipestone Bay portage. That said, there is now a much better option via the Lund Lake Access Point that will save you a few KM's of portaging. I know it doesn't show it on the map, but we can shuttle you by ground (logging roads) to the Lund Access point where you will have only an 800 meter portage to begin your trip, instead of the nasty 1200 meter and 700 meter trails.

Since this access was approved, it's pretty much negated the need top travel through Pipestone. That said, we'd be happy to provide this service if you wanted it.


11/06/2013 08:24PM
Way to go, Harlan! This is a win for you...not driving those roads and beating up your truck; a win for the customers...getting into the park faster, easier, and with more route options...and a win for MNR as they might have a lot less to worry about in regard to issues (breakdowns, etc.) on the Leano Lake road. It also helps spread the growing traffic through out the whole park minimizing our overall impact.

I'm still coming up there...hopefully in 14, but I'm coming.
11/06/2013 11:51PM
12/01/2013 05:29PM
Have you thought about doing tows to Pipestone Bay as well?