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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Woodland Caribou Provincial Park :: burntwood to musclow via mimi
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06/06/2016 12:39PM
Can't offer any info Zip but am curious as to your impressions of Job and the run from Job to Musclow.

Was there motor boat traffic on Job? Is there outpost camps in use on Job?
06/06/2016 01:23PM
We did this part of the park in 1993...flew into Job and paddled to
Haggart Lake, using Simeon Creek, Royd Lake, Gammon down to Rostoul, Hanson, into Wrist and Welkin to Haggart...what I recall is camping on an island/flat, comfortable...there was a camp which was used...the fishermen had no interest in us/or us in them...we left in early light/June and made it to Musclow that day...shorelines of jack pine/mature at the time/I have no idea of fires in that country since...the portages on the Musclow river below the lakes were used, cut at the time by the fishing camps it appears...I did run through one of the portages with the canoe partially loaded/more rocky than anything...the image of coming into Musclow Lake is neat...large, cool body of water...moose signs old camp/commercial fishing? at the mouth of the buildings, some old cans, cut trees...caught some nice walleyes at the river mouth...camped on one of the islands in the northern part of Musclow...I will keep digging for photos, etc...
06/03/2016 03:39PM
anybody every paddle north out of Burntwood in the WCCP north to Mimi and then west to Musclow...I've started on Robert/Job and paddled to Musclow before but haven't paddled the route start across...while I realize that part of this is out of the WCCP, there appears to be some outposts that have boat caches/means trails to other lakes west of Mimi...thanks for the help...