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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Soul Space :: Fully exhale
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03/30/2012 05:46AM

On a slightly different note, you often hear of mountain top experiences. I'm sure I've heard a 100 variations on this theme in sermons over the years. I guess I view trips to the BWCA as mountain top experiences. Returning to the valley is necessary, of course, but the mountaintop is what gives us vision to aspire to God's plan for our lives.
02/07/2012 11:37AM
Forgiveness is greater than any BW trip. When you can let go and forgive someone you are like free. For a short time back in '89 after going through a tough divorce I was a bit bitter. My ex had done things that were extremely hurtfull. It wasn't until I was able to totally let go and forgive her that I was like... FREE! People do things I don't like and I will either avoid them or let it go. I still have to work on things a bit, but I am so much happier when I can give it to God. I still take a couple days to totally exhale out there, but living with no hard feelings is the best feeling of all. I hope you can get away often and really enjoy the BW, if only a few days at a time. A great place to reflect and be close to God!
01/08/2012 09:11PM
I was reading a note on a facebook entry where someone was commenting on a time of healing and restoration and they made the comment, "I felt like this was the first time I could fully exhale in 15 years." Those words caught me- fully exhale, what does that mean?

I think I start to exhale when I leave the Twin Cities and I'm driving north and when I'm sitting on the shore of clear boundary waters lake and under a clear blue sky I feel like I fully exhale but the problem is this- I always have to come back and when I get back whatever hurt and disappointment I've experienced comes back. I'm pretty good at shoving it down and getting along with my business but then I have this strong desire to get up north again so that I can exhale.

Here's what I think: I think that if I can figure out how to experience healing and restoration and forgiveness with people my experiences in the BWCA will be that much richer. It will be less of a time of escape and more of a time for refreshment and imagination. I need to think more about this but if you stumble upon this space and have some thoughts I'd love to hear them.
02/15/2012 09:04PM

Thanks for posting in here! Is it possible that we could hear from God through each other?

Your word on forgiveness touches me more than you can know. Thanks again for sharing your experience!
03/30/2012 02:36PM
Welcome, "RasiedbyBears99" to this space and to the site! That's a little different alias- how did you decide on that?
03/30/2012 06:54PM
Named by friends.