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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Soul Space :: I could use a prayer...
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Arkansas Man
03/21/2016 08:32PM
Saying a prayer for you Ben... I appreciate greatly what you do, and your closeness and willingness to ask for prayer. One of the hardest things for us tough guys is to ask others for help, or to say we're having a problem and need help with something. Brothers need brothers, to talk and to pray for each other!! Iron sharpens iron. My friend. May God Bless you and watch over you!

03/28/2016 02:55PM
quote nctry: "What I was reminded of is the defib doesn't bring back a heart beat. It actually changes or reboots an improper rhythm to a normal rhythm. "
Yessir Ben, you are correct. I am "Exhibit A" in that regard. If it hadn't been for the athletic trainer 2 1/2 years ago who had one at his side to stop my ventricular tachycardia (V-tac for short), you guys would have been sharing all sort of "Pete was a good guy" posts here on the board (I hope). LOL
03/28/2016 09:24AM
Hi Ben,

Sorry, a bit late to the game here. Thank you for your service Ben especially in the remote area that you live. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.

This book came to mind when I was reading through your posts. I would recommend it: Population 485

I really like Michael Perry. Maybe you can relate to some of his stories.

If you do not mind Ben, I will keep this thread going with a request of my own.

While we are discussing tough guys asking for prayer, I could use a word of prayer myself. As we discuss when you brought my new canoe down, I will be heading to Toronto to get my hernia repaired in a couple of weeks. My surgery is on April 12. Please pray for safe travels and quick healing. I have a BWCA trips in both May and June :-).

03/28/2016 10:37AM
I'll be praying and looking forward to how that all turns out. Might be worth getting my botched job fixed. How's that boat?
03/20/2016 11:26AM
Praying for you Ben. Remember God won't stop bad things from happening, but He will be by your side as you deal with them.
God Bless.
03/20/2016 10:46AM
I don't always ask for this. But having a tough time. As a first responder a guy sees a lot of stuff that you don't normally see. I've seen plenty... Never had a problem. The other night we got a 1052 call. I was awoke out of a dead sleep. I raced to the firehall and got rigs fired up and took off for the scene in our rescue rig. One of our guys responded right there. As I got close he said CPR was started. I was there quickly to assist. I operated the defibrillator. It never let us shock. Meanwhile, helicopter and advanced life support was arriving. We've trained for all this. I can't say any more except I've never had a call effect me so much. Going back in the morning helped a little. The semi driver that was first on scene happened by as I looked over the site. He was amazed at the response... I felt better. But I keep having the "tapes" running through my head from that night. Like shock that won't end. I've been in horrific pain with my neck and was doing better. Now the pain is so bad it's hard to function. Need prayers to get past this.
03/20/2016 12:27PM
I will pray for you. Read Ps. 22:3,4,5. I hope they will help you.
03/20/2016 02:27PM
Indeed, I will pray for you. Thank you for your willingness to take on such a difficult job.
03/25/2016 09:54AM
Thoughts and prayers are with you, Ben. Thank you for what you do and for caring about others.
03/25/2016 03:09PM
Thanks Pete, Bruce, Brad and all. Kind of weird after all I've seen to take this so hard. Getting back to my old curmudgeon self again. :)

Funny this happened right before we reup our training. Some of the instructors were the EMTs on the scene and have helped us with the after stuff... Like debriefings. Got 100% on CPR/defib recertification last night...

What I was reminded of is the defib doesn't bring back a heart beat. It actually changes or reboots an improper rhythm to a normal rhythm. Good CPR is what is needed to get the heart going again. That is why the defib won't advise shock if it doesn't detect anything. Pretty cool stuff.

And it's neat that I can have the opportunity to serve in this way. Imagine a guy that built chimneys and fireplaces for a living can do stuff like that.

I wish we could get younger people interested. But for now I sort of feel called. We joke that at some point we'll be responding with our walkers. God is good. He brings healing to us in many ways. And yes, iron sharpens iron and it's good to know we have like minded people here. Thanks all...
04/13/2016 06:03PM
Hey Ben,
I will be keeping you in my prayers.
04/13/2016 04:36PM
quote IceColdGold: "Hi Ben,

Sorry, a bit late to the game here. Thank you for your service Ben especially in the remote area that you live. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.

This book came to mind when I was reading through your posts. I would recommend it: Population 485

I really like Michael Perry. Maybe you can relate to some of his stories.

If you do not mind Ben, I will keep this thread going with a request of my own.

While we are discussing tough guys asking for prayer, I could use a word of prayer myself. As we discuss when you brought my new canoe down, I will be heading to Toronto to get my hernia repaired in a couple of weeks. My surgery is on April 12. Please pray for safe travels and quick healing. I have a BWCA trips in both May and June :-).


Hope all is well Tony... You'll be in my prayers.
03/20/2016 03:13PM
Prayers to you.
03/20/2016 03:52PM
Prayers Sent!!
03/20/2016 04:04PM
Thanks guys, I had to leave church early and went here. I'm meeting with the other firefighter later to talk. We do have a protocall for this. I was embarrassed because I'm always the tough guy... Haha! After some rest and heat I'm a little better. Prayers are appreciated, thank you.
03/20/2016 06:42PM
Lord send Ben your healing power and give him relief of mind body and spirit, I ask this in Jesus name !
03/21/2016 10:24AM
Your prayers, a good talk with other EMR that worked with me, and the grace of God I feel better today. I've seen a lot in the past and having this one affect me so much kind of worried me.