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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder :: 06/29/2024 Trip partners needed
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03/03/2024 01:09PM
Hmmmm..... Are you looking for couples? Don't usually go that time of year due to bugs. But don't expect this year to be bad. Retiring soon so may have the timr. I do like this entry point too. Hm....
02/29/2024 01:46PM
Following the posted rules:
Location: Coming from Nebraska
EP: #14 - Little Indian Sioux River - North
Dates; June 29, 2024
Number of days - more than 6 up to 8
Number in party - currently 2

My husband hates camping and water. My normal camping buddy's wife hates camping and water too. (See the problem here??) We do love our spouse's but still want to go camp!

Normally we can find other friends for a group trip but this year we are striking out. We like a mix of base camping and moving (like every other day).

Yes to some fishing.

Our personal kids are too cool to join us, but we don't mind other kids.

We are planning on renting canoes, but have the rest of the gear we need.

Anyone want to join us?
03/03/2024 03:13PM
Doesn't have to be a couple.

We picked this week to get extra days aways without taking too many extra days off of work. (As we will be gone over the 4th of July.)