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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Wilderness survival/first aid :: How to treat infections caused by injury
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02/13/2012 12:55PM
quote Canoearoo: "Also, I know somewhere out there is the steps to treating infections that involve heating the infection sight with warm compress, draining infection. Recleaing infection then applying some kind of antiboitics to it (if you can find the link to this on google please post it)

ok found it: its at the bottom of the link
02/13/2012 04:37PM
ok found a good one:

Antiseptic and Antibiotic Properties of Variously Treated Mosses and Lichen
02/13/2012 12:52PM
more on sugar and honey
Savage Voyageur
02/13/2012 07:21PM
I had a huge infection on my hand and my mother in law used a piece of bread with milk on it. It pulled all the infection out of my hand in a day. Here is what I found on the Google...Bread and Milk poultice - These work very well for infections and boils. Simply heat milk and add a bit of bread, wrap in gauze or cheese cloth and place on cut or wound. Use as hot as you can stand it. Repeat a few times a day as long as necessary. It works pretty fast and often much better than over the counter products.

Read more:
03/26/2012 11:40AM
Not that you'd have these items on a camping trip, but I've used a Ginger poultice before for infection or inflammation (think sports injury). Eating or drinking it also has a similar effect.

Ginger poultice
Savage Voyageur
03/26/2012 11:46AM
quote Canoearoo: "Does it matter if it is raw or pasteurized, who or skim?"

We used raw milk, norm sure if it matters.
Savage Voyageur
02/13/2012 10:25PM
quote Canoearoo: "I wonder if the milk/bread one works on infections caused by spiders?"

I think it would because it draws the poison out into the bread. I have no idea how it works but it does. My mother-in-law said it was an old way to treat infections.
02/22/2012 04:46PM
found a great link... pine pitch on wounds
02/13/2012 11:18PM
Does it matter if it is raw or pasteurized, who or skim?
02/13/2012 12:59PM
antimicrobial plants of north America
02/13/2012 02:11PM
how to use birch tree buds in an antibiotic role

medicinal plants

using pine (white or red) as an antibiotic

02/13/2012 07:40PM
I wonder if the milk/bread one works on infections caused by spiders?
05/31/2013 09:31PM
i'm an herbalist and have studied Minnesota plants for a while, as well as herbal first aid. These are my favorite go-to herbs for treating wounds:

If you cut yourself deep and looks like you need stitches you want yarrow or wild geranium . Both are very common in the boundary waters. My personal favorite is yarrow. It's easy to find and easily identifiable. You can grab some leaves, chew them up (make a mouth poultice :) ) and then put that on the wound. With wild geranium, you typically use the root, so a bit more difficult to get at. but this remedy is a bit stronger and will stop bleeding quickly.

However, both these remedies will close a wound even if the wound is dirty. If there is dirt or something else in the wound, this could be difficult. However if you're loosing blood and just need to get somewhere safely, I'd use it.

To clean a wound, plantain is your best friend. it will keep the wound open until it is all cleaned out. Same thing, chew up some leaves, spit that onto your wound. Keep changing the leaves. Plantain will keep drawing out impurities until the wound is clean. So I wouldn't use this for deep cuts and things. Plantain is also all over the place, easy to find.
02/12/2012 11:00PM
So I was wondering how to treat an infection in a survival situation caused by cutting yourself or some other type of injury.

Also, I know somewhere out there is the steps to treating infections that involve heating the infection sight with warm compress, draining infection. Recleaing infection then applying some kind of antiboitics to it (if you can find the link to this on google please post it)

I know the main purpose it to wash it out so you will not get an infection. But in survival situation you may not be able to do this well enough so I found the following information.

Well anyway.. here is the info I found

02/12/2012 11:05PM
how to clean wound to prevent infection

honey can treat infection

list of plants that can help


plants found in a bwca type forest

heal without antibiotics
02/12/2012 11:14PM
found another one, works similar to honey:
