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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Health and Fitness :: My routine to prepare for trips
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06/20/2019 01:37PM
You are my inspiration. That's awesome that you are still active. Do you do any stretching?
06/20/2019 02:57PM
MidwestMan: "You are my inspiration. That's awesome that you are still active. Do you do any stretching?"
Other than a few minutes worth in bed in the morning I don't stretch, but probably should. A buddy who is now in his early 80's tripped with me until 4-5 yrs ago. He recommended Pilates to me to help with balance. I just completed a week long trip on the Turtle Rv north of Atikoken and only fell once, which is really good for me. I once asked Uncle Phil (Cotton) what the secret was for being able to trip into old age and he told me, "never quit, because you probably won't come back to it."
06/19/2019 07:31PM
Each March as long as the snow is not too deep I start carrying canoes about the nature center where I volunteer. This workout routine has served me well on spring trips the last three years. In July 2017 I was going on a three week river trip on which we would be using my buddy's royalex Wenonah Aurora, a 16' canoe weighting 69#. At nearly 70 yrs old that year I was concerned about my ability to do my share of portaging the canoe. After a couple of months of carrying the canoe about the nature center 3-4 times weekly I was able to cover about 1/3 mile and even worked in a few hill climbs. Otherwise all I do is swim laps 2-3 times weekly, walk and bicycle.
09/24/2019 12:44PM
I've thought about jumping on a treadmill with a 100 pound backpack on and just do a hilly simulation before that spring trip. Winter always makes me out of shape as it is hard to really get out there as much as you are in the summer.