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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Doggie Paddle :: Said goodbye to my parter
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03/23/2024 08:06AM
Dog Song II
02/24/2024 09:23PM
Ah, I'm so sorry. That's hard.
02/19/2024 05:32PM
Yesterday evening I said goodbye to my canoeing parter Rusty.
Rusty and I have been canoeing together for almost 12 years. First it was Barbara, Rusty, and me then after Barbara passed away it was the two of us.
Rusty was always by my side. No one would dare threaten me or even look cross eyed me without a response from him. He would tell me when it was time to go to bed and would wake up with my alarm, most of the time.
He wasn’t too bad in the canoe except when we would come to a set of rapids then he would have to stand up to see what was happening. He never did tip the canoe. Not bad for a 92# Poodle.
He will be greatly missed.
His Friend
03/12/2024 08:31PM
Thank you
03/10/2024 10:54AM
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I have been there and will be there again someday. It's always so hard. All we can do is try to focus on the joy they brought us.

03/25/2024 04:53PM
Sorry for you loss Carl, I remember paddling wih you and Rusty last summer at Bens.
02/19/2024 07:31PM
So tough. The hardest part of loving a dog. But 12 years in the wild is a blessing. I'm sorry for your loss.
02/25/2024 09:29AM
I’m so sorry to hear that. Sounds like he was a great friend and tripping partner.

Echo just turned 12 and on our trip in Oct I worried that it was possibly going to be his last trip. I dread the day we lose him.
03/23/2024 06:36AM
Sorry to hear this. I can relate as I put down my canoeing partner since 2013 last September. It’s so hard to make a decision like that after developing a strong relationship. I literally spend more time with my dog than any humans. They just become constant companions.

So yeah, life never waits for anyone. I think there’s a song lyric to go with that. I hope you find yourself another great bow dog.