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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Doggie Paddle :: First Aid
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01/30/2017 08:34AM
On a stunning May morning in 2015 my buddy and our two dogs took off for an 11 day trip off of Moose for a giant loop across the border to Seagull then south and back again. Day one the first few lakes and portages were great then I made a stupid mistake. There were sharp rocks but my dog wanted to play fetch. Not using my human brain but my K9 instincts instead I tossed the stick. When my buddy finally came we hopped in the canoe and there was blood everywhere. Turns out my dog had cut her front right stop pad nearly all the way through. It was as if she had 2 stop pads and boy did it bleed. I doctored it up on site and off we went. Once at camp I took a better look, it wasn't pretty. Still bleeding I told my partner that if I couldn't control the bleeding by morning that we would need to take out. Morning came and things were looking up. The wound did not seem to be bothering my dog any the bleeding had stopped. And so we carried on, this is where I found creative doctoring. You see up in the BWs while traveling you are in and out of the water and moving quite a bit on portages. I realized that during the day I needed to support the injury while my best chance to fight infection was once we hit camp and I could control her movement. In addition I also was careful as possible with beaver water, anything skanky I carried her through. I had with me in my first aid kit carpal braces from my previous dog. So during the day I wrapped the wrist with the brace. I figured this would at least keep it from being torn off and hopefully prevent more damage. Once at camp each night I'd clean the wound really good, dr the wound with medicine and then wrap it. I'd do this as we made camp and then again right before bed. Also I disinfected the wrist braces each night. I watched carefully for infection but nothing ever turned south. The trip turned out great other than this mishap....stupid human. Once home I had my vet take a looksy, she said it looked amazingly well but that it would most likely fall off in a week or so and if it didn't eventually fall off that she would cut it for me because it wouldn't grow together. 3 weeks later to the amazement of all, the pad had fully grown back together. Sure I took a risk but I felt comfortable with my experience and supplies and knew that if things turned bad that we'd be able to get her out.

My question is this, what do people have for a first aid kit? Anything unique that is helpful? (like my carpal braces, I'm guessing not everyone has those) For me my first aid kit is human/dog compatible. From this experience I found that bacitracin, iodine and gauze (pads and wrap) are my favorite items. I also really like bandannas, quite handy. Drug wise I have ibuprofen for humans then for both I have benydryl (careful most allergy drugs cannot be used by dogs talk to your vet) and Tums. For the dog I have metronidazole (stops the shits) and a pain drug. Other than these favorite items I've got my band aids, electrolytes, burn cream, emergency blanket, matches, slip lead, nail clipper and vet wrap. I'd like to make my kit better and so I ask you, what do you keep on hand?
01/30/2017 11:41AM
super glue works fairly well on certain types of emergency wound repairs. important that the wound is very clean before gluing your dog back together. i should mention that i am not a veterinarian.
Alan Gage
01/30/2017 11:50AM
Nothing real special in either of my first aid kits. One thing I have different than you is antibiotics. Lately my trips have been 30+ days so infection is a concern. I had to use them a couple years ago when my dog's pads got worn from all the running around on granite and began to get infected.

I talked to my vet about it before I left. He's an outdoorsy guy too and has done canoe trips so has an idea of the dangers that will be faced by the dog. He was helpful in suggesting what to bring and always let me know what medications would work for both me and the dog (like antibiotics) and what should strictly be for the dog only (the anti-vomit medication). He gave me medical superglue for wounds as well.


02/05/2017 02:49PM
Been there as well campingirl,

I use Koban Self adhesive Wrap, works for dogs and humans, my pooch cut her pad early on a backpacking trip in the Bighorn Mountians in Wyoming and we used Koban to keep it clean and to keep her pad from coming in contact with the ground while on our trip.
PS, my wife is a RN and she taught me the use of Koban.
Koban self adhesive Wrap

01/31/2017 05:58PM
What is a carpal brace? Is it normally for humans, or is it a dog thing? In addition to what you already mentioned, I take peptobismal tablets and buffered aspirin. It is safe for dogs in the right dosage. But it must be buffered. I also get an antibiotic from my vet. I'm always wondering what I should have in my human/dog first aid kit. So thanks for the thread and the story.