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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Home Cooking :: Smoking a fatty...
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12/01/2013 08:44PM
Like your post title
12/01/2013 09:01PM
Bacon is king
12/02/2013 07:10AM
I wouldn't bother slicing though.
... I would just find a giant brat bun :)
01/25/2014 02:42PM
ive seen these on various websites, never in person. Looks amazing. I just went out and glared at my smoker that recently shit the bed.
12/01/2013 04:40PM
I'm not sure why the pictures are sideways, I posted this from my phone on the way back from ice fishing.

A couple side notes. I did this at the duck shack so I didn't have a rolling pin. I improvised with a 1 lb propane bottle. Also since this was my first attempt I didn't get the smoker temps quite right to get the bacon as crispy as I wanted so I used a torch at the very end. This can be done with basically any fillings you would like.
12/01/2013 03:59PM
I'll start out by saying this is NOT a diet friendly snack/meal.

So last weekend I decided to fire up the smoker...
3 lbs of your favorite bulk sausage (I used Jimmy Dean's Hot)
2 lbs Bacon
1/2 brick of Sharp Cheddar cheese
1/2 brick of Pepper Jack cheese

The first part is the most tedious. Take one package of bacon and weave it into a square.

Do the same with the other package of bacon, this works best if it is on Saran Wrap. Put both weaves into the fridge to cool.

Now take your sausage and split it into (2) 1.5 lb portions. Put both into separate gallon ziplock bags. Grab a rolling pin and roll the sausage flat and even. You want it to be in the square shape of the bag. Once here cut the side of the bag facing up off. Transfer it to a sheet of Saran Wrap. It should look kind of like this.

Now cut up the cheese into roughly 1/4" cubes. Set on top of the sausage.

This next part can be a little tricky, but use the Saran Wrap to help. You need to take the sausage and roll it up like a sleeping bag. You should end up with two rolls that look kinda like this.

Up next is the bacon weave. Lay it flat, set the sausage roll in the middle, and roll it up the same way.

Set them in the smoker for a couple hours.

Once your internal temp is in the 160 range take it out, wrap it in foil and let them rest.

Time to enjoy!