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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: the beer blog :: There's a "Bud" in my future
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03/31/2016 11:59AM
I'm leaving on a trip in a few days....New Orleans, Galveston and, most importantly, Dodge City. The Long Branch Saloon (Dodge City) serves, and always served, an Anheuser Busch product, specially bottled these days for the LB.

Wyatt Earp was assistant town marshall in Dodge City in 1876. My great grandfather arrived in Windom, Minnesota, from Melbourne, England in 1876.

Wyatt almost certainly enjoyed a beer in the Long Branch as it was the most popular saloon in town. In later years he visited Melbourne, today a village of about 4,000 people, in search of his roots.
This summer I will be making my second trip to Melbourne, in search of my roots. I will be speaking before a couple hundred cousins and I want to be able to say I have something in common with Wyatt Earp (besides my fast draw). So far, it will be the Long Branch, Melbourne and the mustache I had when I was younger.
Also, a Dunnicliff woman married an Earp man, in Melbourne, back in the 1700s. Wyatt and I may be distant cousins.
Anyway, I can handle another Budweiser. Sometimes that is all that is available. At my 50th HS reunion there were only Bud and Coors. It was hot, I was thirsty and I had already paid for the drinks as part of the price to attend. And....sometimes you know the good by having an acquaintance with the bad.