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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: WEATHER STUFF :: conspiracy theory and contrails
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04/19/2021 10:57AM
As I'm sure many of you know there is a conspiracy theory that plane contrails are seeding chemicals into clouds and making it rain and that rain is toxic and caucusing fish to die and trees to foam. I argue that if this were true the China would have been doing this for a long time as a weapon.

My question is do any of you have easy to real scientific (but maybe not from the government because conspiracy people don't trust government websites) that show it is impossible for the exhaust from a plane to seed clouds?
04/19/2021 02:28PM
Funny this topic came up, today on my flight out to WY I did just that.

When I reached FL430 i turned on the boost pumps to both engines and that injected a microorganism into the fuel my company has been working on. By the end of the week we should all be zombies.

Yum More Brains...
04/20/2021 11:17AM
Actually on a serious note. The aviation community is slowly moving more towards SAF, Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

The benefits of SAF are rather profound, almost a 80% reduction in emissions from turbine powered aircraft.

There are several articles floating around the internet. Several OEM's have already signed off on the use of SAF and more are in the testing phase.
04/20/2021 03:44PM
Wow would that reduse contrails?