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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: WEATHER STUFF :: Eclipse cloudiness forecasts
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04/08/2024 09:04AM
Visible Satellite
04/08/2024 07:38AM

Thanks; this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.

We're in southern MO and may pop across the AR border this morning based on these forecasts.

Thanks again,


04/06/2024 07:12AM

My wife and I are travelling to see the eclipse and looking to find the best sources of cloud cover forecasts that are up to date. This would be used for two reasons.
1. We are deciding where to fly for best viewing. We have flights to Dallas, but Dallas is looking much less good than when we planned it. The flights are changeable and we could go almost anywhere in the Midwest with small fees. We’ve been looking at Detroit, Chicago and Indianapolis as places within a few hours drive of low cloudiness percentage. This would probably be the best 48 hr forecast or ideally ensemble of forecasts. The most helpful site I’ve found is from the New York Times, but it is difficult to tell how recently this has been updated.
a. NYT cloud cover predictions
2. Second purpose is once we’ve flown somewhere, deciding where to drive to increase our % change of seeing a clear shot. This may be a different site, viewable via mobile phone, but has the best up-to-date information. Probably the best 6-hr or 12-hr forecast is important here.

This is all last minute as I didn't realize until a few minutes ago that we could change our tickets, but if someone has something at their fingertips, I will be forever grateful.

04/06/2024 11:48PM
Cloud forecasts are especially tricky.. even this close to the event. Some "clouds" might be high level cirrus in which the event will be Ok to even fine for viewing, in fact in cirrus at 30K feet, you may notice no clouds at all. . Other clouds - if low like stratus etc. will totally ruin the event. Still at a forecast level - time frame- where a ensemble (a group of 51 or so forecasts) each "tweaked" a different way is your best bet. Play around with the following, but InDy area looks to be the best in the Midwest. Pivotal Weather ensemble cloud forecasts

do a blend of all will give you your best bet imho.

04/09/2024 09:09AM
FYI: Thanks, in part, to your expertise, we had PERFECT viewing in Mountain Home, Arkansas. Thanks again.
05/16/2024 09:34PM
Just wanted to post this picture. I'm sure lots of people took better ones, but this is exactly what we saw. Thanks again.