Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Trout bums
by jeffish

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/13/2008
Entry & Exit Point: Ram Lake (EP 44)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 6
Trip Introduction:
I had done this entry portage about 10 years ago. Either my memory is bad or I'm not in the same shape I was ten years ago. I don't remember the portage being uphill for all but the last few rods. The portage is sometimes listed as short as 90 rods but I've seen it listed as quite a bit longer. I was able to portage the canoe back down the hill on the way out without stopping but the portage in required a few rest stops. There are certainly longer initial portages but this is one of the hardest I've done.
We had Ram lake to ourselves, with the exception of a couple of canoes that came in to fish for the day. The fishing was not as fast as I would have liked and the lakers we caught were all fairly small. The rainbows we caught were nice sized but there were harder to catch. I regret not bringing my fly rod; the rainbows rose after dinner every night.

A couple of guys from our group paddled over to Little Trout one rainy day and just got one nice laker. I've read that there is a good population of lakers in that lake though. I've done the portage from Little Trout to Misquah, which is a killer. It goes up and down a few times and is really buddy in the summer.