Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Poobah with kids
by fishdr

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/02/2015
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 4
Day 2 of 5
Monday, August 03, 2015 It rained a little around 0500, but tapered off and I was up at 6. I got the Jetboil going and made some coffee, and John emerged shortly thereafter. I fried some bacon and mixed up some pancake batter. Katie emerged around 0800 and I made her some hot chocolate and got some chocolate chip pancakes cooking. John wandered around the corner with his spinning rod, to cast off the rocks into deeper water. Just about the time the first batch of pancakes was ready, he called for Katie to come give him a hand and bring the net… a fat Northern Pike had smacked his Mepps Spinner and he handed her his rod and she reeled in the first fish of the trip, a 7-8 pound Northern that was easily released from the barbless spinner. After that excitement, we cleaned up breakfast, woke David at 0900 (teenagers!) and got organized to go fishing. We started out trolling deep cranks along shore, picking up another fat Northern, although not as big as the first. David caught a couple small bass, but the wind came up and we headed back to camp for a lunch of sandwiches, apples and oranges and trail mix. We relaxed a little after lunch and fished some off the rocks around camp, with Katie catching her first Smallmouth of the trip. John and David went North from camp, casting spoons along shore, and David caught another fat Northern, about the size of the first fish, on a crankbait. He thought he was snagged and handed the rod to John, who promptly gave it back and told him to reel in the fish… Katie and I tried heading North in the canoe, but struggled against the wind (we weigh 180 pounds together plus a 45 pound Kevlar canoe…) and ended up back in camp. We had an early dinner of grilled pork chops, green beans and mashed potatoes and set out to fish again a little after 5. The wind was still strong. I caught another Pike which Katie netted. John and David headed towards a point just South of camp, hoping the Walleye would be moving in to feed. They did manage to locate some fish, hooking several on jigs with gulp, and boating a fat 18” fish that John decided to keep for breakfast. He showed the kids how to fillet a Walleye, we all brushed our teeth and turned in around 9 after a good day, still tired from the first day.