Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Poobah with kids
by fishdr

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/02/2015
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 4
Day 4 of 5
Wednesday, August 05, 2015

(In Katie’s words) Hi its Katie. Dad woke me up at 730. David and I stayed in the tent for a while, packing up the sleeping bags and thermarests. We finished, had some oatmeal and hot chocolate, packed up and left. Dad and I started off in one canoe with David and Uncle John in the other. Uncle John and David left before Dad and me. Dad and I had just pushed off when I noticed Uncle John’s blue pack was still on the land. I said “Dad, what about the blue pack?” He said “Oh!” and we went back to get it. Then we finally left and paddled across Poobah Lake. It took us about 45 minutes to get to the skinny part of the lake and about another 45 minutes to get to the first portage. Then we were into Poobah Creek and then we did 3 more portages. Then we arrived at Tanner Lake and shortly thereafter we were at the campsite next to the dam.

(Now back to my words). It was a hard morning, waking up around 6, but a glassy lake and complete lack of wind made for easy paddling out of Poobah and across Tanner, if hot. I stayed in the bow of my canoe with Katie in the stern, while David took the bow and guided he and John safely across Poobah and down the Maligne River. We didn’t have any trouble retracing our steps out of Poobah, but the portages were hard even with lighter packs – we were realizing how much extra food we brought, as we didn’t even eat half of what we started with… By the 4th (and last for the day) portage we were hungry, hot and tired. We got to the campsite on Tanner and everyone prettymuch collapsed. We had sandwiches and trail mix for lunch, and 2 of the last 3 apples. Once we had recovered and rested a little, we rigged up a rod and cast a #3 Black Fury into the rapids, nailing a 17” smallmouth on the second cast. Katie and I proceeded to catch 5 or 6 fat bass before John ended the action with a sizeable Northern that broke him off and swam away with the Black Fury. Following this we relaxed for a while, got the tent and sleeping bags set up, sterilized some water and made a fire. We grilled bratwurst for dinner. We had a relaxing evening, toasting marshmallows, and turned in early in anticipation of another early start to the day in order to make our 1030 pickup at Bell Island. It was another good day. We were all looking forward to a hot shower and some clean clothes.