Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Early June fishing trip with college friends.
by BWfishingfanatic12

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/02/2018
Entry & Exit Point: Other
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 4
Day 5 of 5
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Low 70s, cloudy and breezy to start

We were up early as we had a long day ahead of us to get all the way back to our own homes. We were paddling off towards the entry point at 7am. It was overcast and was threatening rain and we could see the breeze picking up in to a wind. I was thankful that we had traveled so far the day before with not being able to find a site. It ended up being a short paddle out even with the wind in our face and slowly building. Once we got to the entry point we packed up the gear and strapped on the canoes; then we were headed back towards civilization. We made a stop at the Donut shop on the way through Grand Marais.

Overall it was a great trip. We ended up catching around 100 fish total I would estimate and I probably caught atleast 80% of them. I could have caught many more but sacrificed to spend quality time with friends. In the future I’m sure I will have much more hardcore fishing trips. The weather was tough especially with the wind but our group did well and I never heard any complaining. One of my friends is leaving shortly to teach abroad for 2 years so this was our farewell trip for atleast a few years. That’s a big reason I didn’t fish near as much as I would have normally. Already can’t wait until next years trip! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!