Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

1st Solo

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 09/07/2023
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 1
Day 3 of 5
Saturday, September 09, 2023

Up at 0645 and by 0630 I took a compass bearing and pushed off into the light rain and steamy fog rising off of McEwen heading south to the creek. Upon entering that I thought "man, this seems moosey". I thought for sure I would have seen one in the small windy portion of the creek but nothing was there to be seen. Crossing the beaver dam and getting into the wider section of creek I thought well maybe I wont see one. It was not 5 minutes later rolling around a sweeping right had turn that I was a large black mass on my left up ahead in the steady rain. Sure enough I silently glided up on a cow just enjoying her breakfast. Evidently the feeling was not mutual as when she saw me she was gone with a trot back into the woods.

Glacier lake was stunning in the rain/low clouds and the steam rising upwards. Continuing up Turn-Edge was really pretty as well. The water was glass flat now and the paddling was silent.

Edge-Rod, well let me tell ya that was one interesting portage in the slight rain which had restarted on and off again. That ledge next to the creek below was narrow,rocky and muddy all at the same time and for portions I took the canoe off my shoulders and lifted-slid it along to get thru the narrow sections.

Rod-Dumas was interesting as well as the water level was low so the boulder field extended out quite some distance and you can see in the picture looking back.

Dumas did not dissapoint at all, not only was it a gorgeous lake but when I rounded the point going West from the portage there was another cow just standing on the edge of the water happily watching me watching her for a minute as I just floated there. After a bit I figured I would move on and let her enjoy her breakfast.

Interesting enough I found the portages getting easier and more defined as I headed South with the goal of Louisa and the big island campsite for night 3 which I pulled into at exactly the 8 hour of travel mark.

Though the portages were getting easier and easier, my CCS seat pad was making wet tuba sounding trumpets and the frequency between was getting closer and closer. I was now concerned as I only brought 1 roll of paper with me and that getting lean. I needed to figure out the offending food offering NOW and eliminate that from the meal plan or else!!

The skies slowly lightened up and eventually broke into parlty cloudy by 5 pm and it was an enjoyable evening after a day in the rain.