Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Parkour chipmunks, ninja rabbits, and the nighttime musings of an 11 year old adventurer
by naturboy12

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/21/2019
Entry & Exit Point: Wood Lake (EP 26)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 2
Part 4 of 6
August 23rd- Fishing Good Lake and Indiana Lake

Thursday night passed into Friday morning fairly quickly, and while it didn't get nearly cold enough to frost (41), it was certainly chilly when we stepped out of the tent in the morning, only to be met with a thick, impassable wall of fog. Jaden had only woke me up twice with his dreamy mutterings that night. I remember a "Dad, Dad, Dad" followed by something that didn't make any sense, and my only response was "Jaden, I'm right here, you're just dreaming, go back to sleep". The second time I definitely heard "leave me alone" and not much else. I figured he was arguing with his brother, so I didn't even respond. We spent the morning waiting for the fog to lift in camp.

Mid morning we headed out for a day of fishing, with both of us catching some nice bass- both smallmouth and largemouth. Jaden boated the fattest and heaviest 18.5" smallmouth I had even seen, and I fully expected it to be a 20" fish when I first saw it. Two casts later he landed an 18" largemouth.

I caught the longest bass of the trip later in the day on a windy Indiana Lake- a nice 19" smallmouth from a small weedbed near a beaver lodge.

We finished the day with another campfire and continued antics from the chipmunk parkour team, and went to bed happy about the last few days on Good Lake. While we did see a few canoes pass through during the 3 days, we otherwise had the entire lake to ourselves, as the other site never had anyone stay.