BWCA Gear Guide
Selecting the right outdoor gear for a boundary waters trip is an essential part of the planning process. Gear selection should depend on durability, weight, size, group size, and other personal preferrance factors. Use this guide as a starting point for adding to your gear collection.

The right packs are important to a enjoyable Boundary Waters experience. Traditional hiking backpacks don't work well for canoe travel. Keep moving on the portages trails with time tested traditional and high tech portage packs. View Category Details
Navigation And Maps
Don't get lost in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area by not having the right navigation tools on hand. Make sure to have a compass and know how to use it. Also a GPS can be used for an additional navigation guide and for marking and finding special spots. View Category Details
Paddles are an individual choice. There is no one perfect paddle. It depends on your style both in paddling and look. There are many shapes, sizes, and materials. View Category Details
Although canoe is the primary way to navigate the water, there is also kayak and sup options as well. There are a variety of canoe companies and designs which support the family trips, deep woods travelers, or soloists bound for the BWCA. View Category Details
Camping Gear
Your guide to the essential camping gear for Boundary Waters adventures. View Category Details
Camp Cooking
Whether you are cooking for a large group or keeping it light for a backpacking trip, we have cooking gear in our guide for you. View Category Details
Bug Protection
Bug protection is a necessary consideration when visiting canoe country particularly from May through August. The general pests are ticks, black flies, and mosquitos. For ticks, many people spray their tents and outer clothing with permethrin and allow it to dry before the trip. Mosquitos are best repelled with deet, but there are other options such as picaridin and oils which are reported effective as well. A head net may be preferred by some as way to keep them off your face and head. The thermacell units are also good for creating a radius of protection while in camp or using the latrine. Make sure to buy extra butane cartridges and repellent pads. View Category Details