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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Something left behind on Ted Lake.
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08/05/2019 09:46PM
I'll be back in the Ted area in the first two weeks of September. If no one has made the run I'll try again. Things went well. I was happy to visit Ted and swim in Ted and then camp (and of course swim) on Earl. Not to mention witnessing an incredible storm on Earl.
07/12/2019 07:42PM
Good fortune on your quest,, and remember it is all just in fun for regular Quetico lovers.

04/09/2019 12:03AM
PineKnot: "Geez....who thought Ted and a cliff were so hard to get to?.....I'll go with TomT to retrieve it in Sept since I didn't actually see you on the cliff.....TomT can figure out a way worse spot to park it...or maybe give it to Luna and who knows where it'll end up....."

Hence the connection to his Pierna post...
03/27/2021 12:02PM
I looked for that Hurn/Milt portage from the Milt side. Never did find any evidence of it. Could be a Fisher Fantasy. I don't think Hurn's water is noticeably aquamarine, just clear- Milt's water has quite a distinctive blue tint. Milt has that site that towers above the lake, offering terrifying leaps into deep water, no place to hide during storms and poor choices for tent sites. What a view though.
03/27/2021 12:33PM
Banksiana: " Milt's water has quite a distinctive blue tint. Milt has that site that towers above the lake, offering terrifying leaps into deep water, no place to hide during storms and poor choices for tent sites. What a view though."

Oh yes, that site on Milt. From a distance it looks like a world-class campsite but once you get to it, it’s just a massive rock with no place to camp. Super cool though. I remember the water in Milt being the clearest I’ve ever seen.
03/27/2021 01:14PM
We spent a couple hours on the Milt island one spring taking a lunch break, swimming and sunbathing and I walked all over it trying to figure out a place to set up a tent--no luck. Maybe part of the reason here are still a couple fish in there.
03/27/2021 10:18AM
And what about Hurn? What a beautiful lake--the spectacular cliffs and that aquamarine-colored water like Argo and Burt. We could never find a suitable campsite although we found an old beaver trap set near the trail on some maps leading from Hurn to Milt (never found that either).
04/10/2019 09:10AM
No one has signed up for the challenge yet. First come gets the directions.

09/17/2019 08:37PM
I found the grail- honored and replenished it but left it where I found it. Magicpaddler has placed it in an impossibly beautiful site- one the could not be matched for the remainder of my trip (Robinson) so I left it where I found it. Unless someone stole by to take a look the impression of Lawrence's footprints in the deep moss just before the cliff were still evident. A great placement- I could not bear to move it.
05/16/2021 02:32PM
Springer2: "We spent a couple hours on the Milt island one spring taking a lunch break, swimming and sunbathing and I walked all over it trying to figure out a place to set up a tent--no luck. Maybe part of the reason here are still a couple fish in there."

Not quite an island; its attached to the shore.
12/03/2019 03:07PM
I will be on Ted next June!
Let me have at it, Grail reprise!
I will be sure to restore and move it elsewhere on the same trip this time!


03/09/2019 07:06PM
Our group was part of this fine tradition a few years ago. Honored to be a part of it. We'll be a little north of Ted (Comnee/Brent) in June, otherwise might have taken another bite at the apple.
I don't think it's too deep in the park at all. Glad to see the quest continues...

05/16/2021 09:46PM
"Not quite an island; its attached to the shore."

03/07/2019 09:58PM
Littering the woods again?
08/05/2019 05:57PM
Sorry things did not turn out for you finding the quest. So close but not there. I assume you have no plans to make another attempt. If that is the case it is open for anyone else who wants to try.

12/03/2019 08:29PM
Yeah Joe in a way I failed- in another I herald the wisdom and siting genius of MagicPaddler. I could not do better in siting- seriously. It is a worthy resting spot and I will be happy to direct you if you should so decide to take on this mission. Send me notice of your determination to make the quest and I will try and draw you a map.
09/18/2019 09:14PM
Horray! on your success. This is all in fun, although someone fillet'd me a few year back for restoring the Quetico treasure and restoring it n the same location for others to discover and enjoy.
It has been all over the Park and will move on.
07/12/2019 04:14PM
If no one has found it by mid August I will be there about the 23rd.
07/10/2019 07:34PM
It is still waiting for someone to take the challenge.
07/28/2019 10:21AM
Springer2: "
Sweet little campsite on Earl--I'm jealous. "

Yes it's a sweet campsite that I don't get to enough. I love camping on Earl, though I seem to draw storms whenever I do.
08/06/2019 10:21AM
MagicPaddler: "I will wait until after your September trip to give the information to anyone else so for now it is your quest.

Nice being able to do more than one trip a year. So far this year I have been in the park for 37 days and 21 more days planned. When you are standing at the Quest location give a wave to the east I will be on Burt. "

Keep an eye out for the ugliest pale gray kevlar tandem you've yet to witness. A friend and I have a Kahsh permit. 11 days beginning 8/31. Tandem is a MNII but without identifying marks. Our route is random and subject to change- visiting favorite lakes and favorite camps. Ted is on the list as is Burt's neighbor, Marj.

37 days is an excellent summer's work. My tripping has been limited this year due to work interference. I do have another permit the day after returning from the 11 day trip.
05/17/2021 09:21AM
I love Milt and the giant monolith of the big peninsula that divides the lake. I found two relatively poor sites and a place for a tent on the peninsula site but there was a storm coming and the top of that big rock did not seem a wise place to sit it out.
03/07/2019 01:07PM
Magic if it’s still there by September we can daytrip from McIntyre and get it. I would like to see Ted again.
03/25/2021 09:11AM
GraniteCliffs: "It is hard to believe none of us has been able to get back to Ted since this last post such a long time ago. And it seems very possible most of us won't get there for another year.
However, hope springs eternal.
In the meantime Ted Lake and much of the area sits mostly in the manner it was designed to: Beautiful, silent and untouched.
Can't wait to get back. "

I planned to spend a couple nights on Ted in June, but that doesn’t look likely to happen. I’ll get back there at some point. Nice lake for sure.
09/19/2019 09:26AM
If I had a brain I would have packed it out of the park and taken it on the trip I took the day after returning from the Ted Lake trip and the Grail would be hidden on Louisa.
07/27/2019 11:59AM
Banksiana: "Abandoning my quest I opted for packing up camp and heading into Earl so I could have a lake to myself."

Sweet little campsite on Earl--I'm jealous.
05/31/2020 04:40AM
The Grail remains where last stashed and will remain there untouched by US paddlers as long as the border remains closed.

I will have to relinquish my quest to the next person who gets to Ted. No telling when I'll be back there again.


04/08/2019 06:49AM
No one has signed up for the challenge yet. First come gets the directions.
04/08/2019 07:49PM
Geez....who thought Ted and a cliff were so hard to get to?.....I'll go with TomT to retrieve it in Sept since I didn't actually see you on the cliff.....TomT can figure out a way worse spot to park it...or maybe give it to Luna and who knows where it'll end up.....
09/24/2019 02:21PM
Congratulations on finding the Grail. It is now up to you to help someone else find the Grail. Start a new “Something Left behind on XXXX Lake” thread offering the challenge to whoever is willing to replenish and reestablish it for others.

07/12/2019 03:47PM
I will attempt the grail next week. I've been provided with instructions now it is up to favorable winds and the cooperation of my aged body.

Will report here concerning success or failure. No knight here, but a failed squire, fleeing the dragons of the modern world.
03/07/2019 04:55PM
I hid it so it would be a little anticlimactic for me to find it. If you want to find it we could go that way on the way out but it would be yours to find replenish and hide in a new spot.
I do like some of the possibilities for a rout out from there.

03/07/2019 06:30PM
Yeah you just tell me where it’s at and I’ll go get it. :)
03/07/2019 08:01AM
Did I put it too deep in the park. Not getting any interest.
03/07/2019 09:57AM
I usually hit Ted a couple times each season but haven't set trip plans yet. Will drop a line if I do. Sounds like some entertainment.
03/05/2019 08:10PM
I am pleased to read the the Grail of the Quetico quest continues. It is all in fun and has had lots of discussion here. My crew was part of this 5 years ago.
07/25/2019 07:11PM
I failed in my quest. I pulled into camp on Ted at a little before two Monday afternoon battling wind and waves down Ted. I unpacked my gear. Swam. Ate. Swam. Spaced on the beauty of Ted (and the respite from bugs in the wind). At a little after four a group set up on the message jar site. Abandoning my quest I opted for packing up camp and heading into Earl so I could have a lake to myself.
03/05/2019 06:50PM
While planning your Quetico trip you may want to consider this. The first person to commit to retrieving and replacing gets the instructions on how to find it.

You should also read dentondoc’s tale of the retreating the Grail in 2018 as described this link on Saturday, June 23, 2018.
08/06/2019 05:57AM
Banksiana: "I'll be back in the Ted area in the first two weeks of September. If no one has made the run I'll try again. Things went well. I was happy to visit Ted and swim in Ted and then camp (and of course swim) on Earl. Not to mention witnessing an incredible storm on Earl."
I will wait until after your September trip to give the information to anyone else so for now it is your quest.
Nice being able to do more than one trip a year. So far this year I have been in the park for 37 days and 21 more days planned. When you are standing at the Quest location give a wave to the east I will be on Burt.

07/10/2018 01:09PM
If you are in the area of Ted Lake and would like to participate in the journey of the grail, send me an email and I will tell you how to find the grail and how to restore it. Please only inquire if you are going to be in the area and willing to devote a few hours to retrieve and place the grail in a new location.
03/22/2021 04:43PM
It is hard to believe none of us has been able to get back to Ted since this last post such a long time ago. And it seems very possible most of us won't get there for another year.
However, hope springs eternal.
In the meantime Ted Lake and much of the area sits mostly in the manner it was designed to: Beautiful, silent and untouched.
Can't wait to get back.
03/25/2021 03:38PM
Here are a couple of old scans, medium format color and b/w film from spring, 2003. That area is the heart of Quetico for me.

03/25/2021 09:27PM
Here are some from 2019:
03/26/2021 05:01PM
Great pics. Like sand through the hour glass, my time to return is running short.
03/26/2021 06:08PM
Only on this private forum will I share the secrets of Ted.

03/26/2021 11:02PM

03/26/2021 09:57PM
A friend of ours who worked for 40 years in the tough LA harbor/Wilmington area as a sheet metal worker and has been coming to Quetico every year for 20+ years brought us "doo-rags" one year from LA thinking it might help protect us from the black flies we almost always encountered in late May/early June. Ted Lake, early June 2003.

03/26/2021 10:54PM

Tough to beat an evening on Ted.
03/27/2021 09:08AM

07/20/2021 10:12AM
It is placed on an island- though whether the island burned or not...

Saw that the recent fire growth has completely encircled Ted. That being said the forest in the area was healthy and open, not overgrown- the level of fire destruction could be spotty.
07/20/2021 08:24AM
"Something left behind on Ted Lake"

....well, based on the fire maps what's left behind on Ted Lake will not include living vegetation.

Had really wanted to see Ted.