BWCA Left something behind near Brent and Darky Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Left something behind near Brent and Darky     



distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/11/2017 09:51PM  
If you are headed that way, let me know. I think I know where I left it. You want to find it, trust me.

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06/12/2017 03:35PM  

Will be in that area in early August with my wife. Will follow this thread in the meantime.
07/22/2017 05:05PM  
go for it frenchy
09/11/2017 07:06PM  
I was just in Brent about a week ago but on the far eastern end and heading south to McIntyre. I certainly intend to get into the other end of Brent by heading up from Gardner Bay but I think it will have to wait until the Spring. I'll be looking then...if it's still there!
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/01/2018 11:34AM  
Just a reminder, far as I know the item I left behind is still there.

I'm veering off to Woodland Caribou June 2018 so I won't be able to check on it myself. Although Brent is one of my favorite parts of the park.

distinguished member(1492)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2018 01:10PM  
For the last couple of weeks I have been planning on going to Brent with a group this summer. Can you give me a clue at where to look for what?
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2018 01:47PM  
Left behind is a treasure, often referred to as the Grail in Quetico...

Instructions on where to look for, and the exact nature of the Grail, are given only to The One who chooses to accept the Quest and the responsibility thereof. If you want this responsibility, you can email me at joe wildlife (one word) at yahoo dot com

I will say that if you are on Brent or Darky, you are in the realm of the Quest. So if you will be there, let me know.

It's all fun and rewarding!


distinguished member(1492)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2018 02:38PM  
I remember posts about this a while back. Before I commit let me make sure we are a go for that trip. The final decision will be made about Canoecopia time. I will check back when I know.
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2018 03:17PM  
You get it. Perfect!
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/02/2018 08:00PM  
My crew was involved with the Grail Quest 4 years ago. It is all in fun. I hope you are worthy of it. The Grail had been all over the park, from Curtain Falls to where we discovered it near Olifaunt.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/03/2018 12:25AM  
MagicPaddler: "I remember posts about this a while back. Before I commit let me make sure we are a go for that trip. The final decision will be made about Canoecopia time. I will check back when I know."

I'm pretty sure at least 3 of us will be able to make that trip, and I'd like another shot at "The Grail." Nctry and I spent a short amount of time in search of it when it was over by Olifaunt, without success. I guessing it was already snagged by Eyedocron's group by the time we got there (mid-September), but my details were a bit sketchy so we could have been looking in the wrong place.

However, MagicPaddler and I have a better record of finding things together. We were able to document a few portages in Opasquia Provincial Park that were only hinted at in any available documentation and a couple had not be utilized by anyone in quite a stretch of time.

01/03/2018 09:32AM  
Um, what exactly are people looking for? And would it be "hidden" say under a rock cairn or back in the woods? Maybe some gps coordinates perhaps? In other words - What the darn heck is this crazy thread all about anyway?

I'm a big fan of the Survivor TV show and this reminds me of them looking for an immunity idol on the island. Sometimes they find one up in a tree. This grail thing wouldn't be up a tree would it?
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/03/2018 10:01AM  
So, I asked to take on the Grail quest a couple years ago. When I accepted, I was sent an email with a description of the Grail and a map as to its location.

Therefore, I will only share that information with the next Seeker.

I can tell you it is not something you are just gonna find. If you don't know exactly where it is, you won't find it. I also was discouraged from providing GPS coordinates. A good description and map, along with a hiding place with some reference to a landmark of some type, is all that is needed. It might be hidden under some rocks, at the base of a cliff, in a large crack in a rock, on an island, or something like that, in a way where it would never be noticed if you weren't looking for it in that location.

The key is that once you find the Grail, you will be expected to replace it in another location in Quetico so that the Quest can continue. This would usually be done in a subsequent trip of yours. In my case, I picked it up in September 2015 and unfortunately didn't replaced it until June 2017 due to unforeseen events.

distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/03/2018 10:04AM  
The "Grail of the Quetico" is a fun quest that can be a side item of a great canoe adventure. It would not be fair to describe it until truly committed. I did not even tell the secret to my other crew members until we were underway, which led to wild speculation about Indiana Jones in the cave and treasures stashed atop Mount Olympus in Greece.
As the Grail has been moved from this location, I can share a picture of the rock cleft with a triangular stone marker where we found it near Olifaunt.
Using GPS would be cheating, in my opinion.
01/03/2018 08:37PM  
Can more than one worthy knight search for this "grail" thing at one time?
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2018 08:38AM  
I will bestow the Quest to the first paddler to confirm they have a trip planned to the area of the Grail. At which point I will provide a description of the Grail and specific instructions on where to find it. It shouldn't take long to find, so it won't alter your travel plans for the day. It might affect your evening plans at your campsite, in a good way.

After recovery, the Grail needs to be enjoyed and restored to its former glory for the next Seeker. This can be done on the same trip if proper preparations are made, or it can be done on your next trip if you are a frequent visitor.


distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2018 12:43PM  
Eyedocron: "The "Grail of the Quetico" is a fun quest that can be a side item of a great canoe adventure. It would not be fair to describe it until truly committed. I did not even tell the secret to my other crew members until we were underway, which led to wild speculation about Indiana Jones in the cave and treasures stashed atop Mount Olympus in Greece.
As the Grail has been moved from this location, I can share a picture of the rock cleft with a triangular stone marker where we found it near Olifaunt.
Using GPS would be cheating, in my opinion. "

I do seem to remember the notch in the rock face and the tree very near the rock face. I don't recall the (obvious) triangular rock in front. Was it returned to its original position or moved elsewhere?

distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/04/2018 05:30PM  
That trip a few years ago, we appreciated the spleandor of the "Grail of the Quetico", and with private advance knowledge, restored it fully. As we were on our way out from Splitrock Falls, we stored it back where found, so it was not just rehidden too close to an entry point, but would still be available to true affecianados who went deeper into the park. We were chastised for not moving it, so I will agree that it should be fully restored and moved the same year, or brought home and brought back in its full glory the next year.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 09:27AM  
Saturday, June 23, 2018.

Tis a tale of the Grail Quest by a knight noble and true (MagicPaddler) and his loyal squire (dentondoc) that is herein chronicled and recorded for posterity.

Twas the morn of the second day of our journey, having begun our quest and (by separate routes) secured safe harbor in which to reside for the night (Darkwater Lake), albeit lashed by storms threatening to tear all asunder. In the early hours of that morning and by dim light we examined a document from time immemorial (perhaps a year old), apparently drafted by a shaky hand discharging its final duties before passing on into the ages.

After much deliberation, we crafted our planned assault on a distant bastion where it was foretold our goal lie hidden in a crevasse under a boulder along an enchanted path (portage) leading toward a shimmering pool (Brent Lake). Yet, before reaching our final path, we would first be tested by two additional paths surely guarded by demons, dragons and other impediments making our assault laden with unknown trials and trevails.

Bolstered in spirit and clasping hands as a mutually supportive gesture, we each mounted our trusty steeds (solo canoes) and did venture forth on calm waters into a rising sun. Twas our ernst while prayer that we would banish all challengers and avoid all pitfalls as we negotiated the enchanted paths that lay before us. As we dismounted our trusty steeds to lead them across the first of these paths, all challenges were easily surmounted as we remounted to make our way to the next path. As we approached the second path with mounting foreboding, we posited that the long, dark, circuitous path that lay before us must be rife with abundant challenges. It was decided that only one of us would lead our steed across the path to the next pool, while the other would keep his lance (paddle) at the ready to defend our party from what would likely be abundant challenges from all quarters. As we marched on, we announced our coming with boisterous song and shouted challenges to all those who awaited our coming. Yet, no challenges manifest themselves due to our vocally declared prowess and superiority. Standing at the end of the second path, we cast our eyes beyond and could almost see our final destination. Thus, with a single steed to transport us, MagicPaddler situated himself on the rear of his mount, while I occupied a forward position. We then proceeded on with our quest.

Arriving at the final path, we again extracted the crudely crafted document that foretold of the glory of the grail and its present disposition. We could make out that the document commanded that we should "walk 70 paces forward and look for a large rock standing resolute and solitary adjacent to the path." Doing as commanded, we proceeded down the path, each of us reciting the count with each footfall as we kept a wary eye out for challenges from any quarter. When we arrived at the designated spot, we again inspected our document and noted that a large flag (pine tree) would be located in close proximity to our quest. Yet, there was no flag close by. That is when we noted the historical nature of the document and life in olden times. Back in days of yore, many a noble knight were of somewhat diminutive stature compared to our current crew. Thus, we puzzled out that we were likely beyond our destination. Thus, we retraced our route by a few steps and cast our eyes on a large rock.

As MagicPaddler approach the rock, it became immediately apparent that rather than a rock, we were gazing at the back side of a huge dragon that was laying atop the quest and protecting it from those unworthy. As the dragon began to snarl and uncoil from its slumber to dispatch impertinent fools who would assert false claims to the quest, MagicPaddler drew forth the document and recited a magical incantation which returned the dragon to its slumbers. Then our just and true knight did proceed alongside the dragon and slipped his mighty hand under its belly and extracted the long, sought-after Grail. There was much celebration that followed, but the recounting of what followed shall have to wait for another telling.

In the days to come, MagicPaddler and I would part ways, leaving him as the sole purveyor of the Grail. As caretaker, this noble knight, discharging his full duties, is now the only one of God's creatures to know where the Grail now lies hidden awaiting the next worthy knight's quest.

Recorded by my hand: dentondoc 07/10/2018

MagicPaddler: Noble Knight, subduing the dragon.
distinguished member(1492)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 01:02PM  
Well written. Loved it.
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 04:29PM  
Horray! The Grail Quest continues.
distinguished member(605)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 05:24PM  
Worthy knights, you are!

07/10/2018 07:09PM  
Good job dragon slayers. The quest lives. I'd be interested to know where it was.
distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2018 09:23PM  
cowdoc: "Good job dragon slayers. The quest lives. I'd be interested to know where it was."

Last portage to Brent.
07/13/2018 06:59AM  
Well done, gents! Time to share your bounty :)
distinguished member(1492)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/13/2018 08:27AM  
HighnDry: "Well done, gents! Time to share your bounty :)"

The bounty is out there waiting to be collected. To the Bounty
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