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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Winter Camping and Activities
       Ice Chisel Pole Advice
Date/Time: 10/31/2024 07:12PM
Ice Chisel Pole Advice

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prairiebeard 12/22/2022 04:53PM
Rodgifier: "Have you tried sharpening it?"

Yes! I used a flat file to give it some profile, then gave it a once over with a sharpening puck. It turned out pretty good!
Rodgifier 12/22/2022 03:26PM
And yes, I got one of those economy ones too. Glad it has worked well for you so far! Have you tried sharpening it?
Rodgifier 12/22/2022 03:08PM
Hey that is a great idea I'm going to try that out!
prairiebeard 12/06/2022 03:25AM
Hey Rodgifier, did you end up fashioning a pole? And which chisel did you purchase from LOTN? I bought their "economy" import chisel last year, and ended up mating it to a 8' oak closet rod from Home Depot. The rod is not a solid piece, there's a finger joint about halfway down the rod, but it's held up pretty well. You just need a good wood chisel for fitting, and the set screw LOTN included really helps secure the ice chisel.

There is nothing more satisfying than cutting a hole!

Minnesotian 10/06/2022 07:27PM

I would probably use a length of ash, same wood used in traditional snowshoes. High strength but still has a bit of flex to it. Are there any holes in the chisel? If yes, I would through-bolt the chisel to the ash making replacement of the ash easy if it breaks.
Rodgifier 10/06/2022 05:03PM
I ended up buying an ice chisel head from lure of the north. Any tips on attaching a wood pole? Type of wood? How to attach? Any advice would be great.