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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Winter Camping and Activities
       Nels Lake
Date/Time: 10/31/2024 06:11PM
Nels Lake

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Previous Messages:
Author Message Text
Finnboy 02/20/2023 06:27PM
Lake conditions are pretty good. We got some rain last week and it knocked the snow down. We did get 5-6 inches of snow today but it’s pretty light and fluffy.

I haven’t been by the Nels Lake road but I would assume there is a trail in at least part way.
JimmyJustice 02/20/2023 08:05AM

Any recent update available regarding the road to Nels Lake? Also, any update regarding snow/ice conditions in that area?

I know Ely had some rain recently and may get an inch or two of snow this week. Just curious about the conditions of the snow/ice around Nels / South Hegman and the road into Nels.

Much appreciated.
egknuti 01/09/2023 02:01PM
I just passed by Nels Lake Road last weekend. While it didn't look plowed, there were definite tire tracks down the road.
motdur 01/09/2023 09:01AM
Finnboy: "There is usually at least room to park at the beginning of the road. Some of the cabin owners go in and out . Don’t block the road when you park. "

Kiitos paljon!
Finnboy 01/08/2023 01:56PM
There is usually at least room to park at the beginning of the road. Some of the cabin owners go in and out . Don’t block the road when you park.
motdur 01/07/2023 03:52PM
Does anyone know if the road to Nels Lake is plowed or at least a place to park off the Echo Trail near the road? Planning an easy winter trip for a group of more than 9, thus the reason for not going into the BWCA. Also, the maps show 3 campsites on the lake, but the Superior National Forest website states there are only 2. Any info would be great.