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       Sturgeon breaching
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 05:24PM
Sturgeon breaching

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Pinetree 07/07/2017 04:08PM
Tracking sturgeon in Sturgeon lake
Yellowbird 07/07/2017 04:30AM
Have seen this on LaCroix. Makes a sound like a beaver slapping its tail. So thinking that's what it was, it came as a surprise to see one launch straight up, about 2/3 body length out of the water, then flop on its side. Pretty cool. (Was end of June.)
DancesWithTrees 07/06/2017 02:15PM
quote arctic: "It's interesting to note that the distribution of sturgeon in Quetico is limited to the lakes and connecting streams from Pickerel to Lac La Croix. That's it."

I thought I read that they were found in Cache lake and the Cache River into Kawnipi, but maybe I'm mistaken.
arctic 07/06/2017 11:06AM
It's interesting to note that the distribution of sturgeon in Quetico is limited to the lakes and connecting streams from Pickerel to Lac La Croix. That's it.
QueticoMike 07/06/2017 09:57AM
That would be cool to see.
FlambeauForest 07/06/2017 08:44AM
Opening day of walleye 2007 if I remember correctly the sturgeon were spawning on Twin Lakes. Where the lake narrows to a pinch that gravel bar with current had sturgeon so thick you could almost walk across them. One of the coolest things I've seen on all my trips. So some of them must swim up the deux river to do there thing in the Spring. Based on how many we saw there is a decent population. Only other place I've seen one was below Chatterton Falls when it breached. One of the older BWJ had an article where someone caught one on Sturgeon.
Kawnipi1 07/06/2017 12:08AM
To breach is simply launching out of the water. I was not aware Sturgeon breach much the same as Whales do. Very interesting. I always thought Whales breach to help rid themselves of parasites. Maybe Sturgeon do it for same reason. Very little movement over the winter. Maybe Spring Cleaning. Who knows.

I will be fishing for them on Russell and Sturgeon this summer. Hope to catch and release one.

Eyedocron 07/05/2017 09:04PM
Please clarify what this is.
mr.barley 07/05/2017 04:17PM
Saw it on Sturgeon lake several years ago.
hexnymph 07/05/2017 02:10PM
I've seen them do it around Memorial day week on more than one occasion.

AmarilloJim 07/05/2017 01:28PM
When do they do this in Sturgeon or Russell lakes?