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       What documents do you take besides RABC?
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:21PM
What documents do you take besides RABC?

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billconner 05/15/2015 08:07PM
quote mamorgan: "So, it looks like the consensus view is to take the passport. Thanks, everyone.

And schweady, nice job on the movie quote. Seeing that clip makes me want to watch the movie again. "

More concensus than usual here.
mamorgan 05/15/2015 07:54PM
So, it looks like the consensus view is to take the passport. Thanks, everyone.

And schweady, nice job on the movie quote. Seeing that clip makes me want to watch the movie again.
GraniteCliffs 05/14/2015 01:44PM
I am surprised an outfitter would tell you to forget about a passport. It would be very unlikely that you would need it BUT..............
The RABC is good to enter Canada but it has nothing to do with entering the US. It is a Canadian Government document so does not help you enter the US.
The US does require a passport or card and there have been US customs agents on the border on at least a few occasions. I was checked once near Prairie Portage a few years ago.
In this day and age of security I would not want to be crossing the border into the US and get stopped without a passport that is required. Not saying you might not get in but I would anticipate a major problem.
Times have changed.
billconner 05/14/2015 01:37PM
Well, I do use my credit card - for permit on way in at PP and for Friends of Quetico shop on way out sometimes. Plus doesn't get damaged if wet. If I went more, I'd get try to get the passport card thingy, since my state doesn't have a WHTI document driver's liscence.
schweady 05/14/2015 11:10AM
I think you're smart to take all of the documents, just keep them watertight and safely on your person, Brother.
Bogwalker 05/14/2015 07:13AM
I take my passport and a credit card. I have it sealed inside two ziplocks to make sure it stays dry and put it in the bottom of one of my packs. As others have said I have never needed to use it but felt it was good to have "just in case".
Kiporby 05/14/2015 06:40AM
I always take my passport and a credit card along as well for the reason stated by Bill below. Better be prepared than sorry.
billconner 05/14/2015 06:12AM
I usually take my passport (and a credit card). Only good reason I can think of is if rescued while in the Q, I'll be taken most likely to Atikokan, and having passport would make it easier. For checking in at US customs, I could leave in car at EP, but I don't.

Other wise same as you.
mamorgan 05/13/2015 10:30PM
We are entering the Quetico via Cache Bay at the end of June. We know we need to keep the RABC, Outdoors Card, and fishing license with us. Should we take our passports and/or drivers licenses too? Our outfitter says "no" since we already have the RABC and since we won't see any customs officials anyway. I want to make sure we follow the laws, but I also want to avoid any mishap that leaves my passport and/or drivers license "at the bottom of a pretty darn big lake, a 9,000 hectare lake... I don't care if it's 90,000". (Bonus points if you can name the movie I just quoted without looking it up)