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       Trip Report - Awesome June Fishing on Knife Lake
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 05:21PM
Trip Report - Awesome June Fishing on Knife Lake

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BWfishingfanatic12 02/04/2023 08:22PM
Hey Scott, I am not sure why my email does not pop up on here. I sent you an email so feel free to ask whatever questions you have on there and I will do my best to answer them.
ScottMacFish 01/31/2023 12:11PM
Hey may be doubling up on this message so if I have my apologies. Read your trip report. Truly a great trip. I am taking my 12 yr. old son in for his 5th trip into the BWCA. We have chased speckled trout on all our trips. I am bringing two of his friends and their dads, it will be thier first trip into the BWCA. The boys are avid bass and walleye fishermen. So, I am hping to make this as productive a trip for them as i can with a littlr lake trout fishing mixed in. If you are willing, any suggestions for fishing spots and campsite realtive to the spots would be greatly appreciated. We go in the 3rd week of May.
ScottMacFish 01/31/2023 12:00PM
Not sure if this will get to or be seen by BWfishingfanatic12, can't find an email address, you mentioned helping out with possible spots to try. I am going in with my 12 year old son, his 5th trip, and 2 of his friends and their dads who have never been in the BWCA. The three boys are avid fishermen. I am hoping to make it a productive trip for them. So, any suggestions for a campsite and fishing spots to try would be greatly appreciated. My email is
BWfishingfanatic12 05/14/2022 09:38PM
MarshallPrime: "BWfishingfanatic12 , I would like to email you with a couple questions but I do not see an email listed. Would you be will to answer a couple questions?
my email is"

I sent you an email. Happy to help!
MarshallPrime 05/13/2022 12:29PM
BWfishingfanatic12 , I would like to email you with a couple questions but I do not see an email listed. Would you be will to answer a couple questions?
my email is
BWfishingfanatic12 03/29/2022 08:30PM

BWfishingfanatic12 03/29/2022 08:30PM
jlw034: "Great post!

You were there a couple weeks after me, and it sounds like we had similar experiences.

I'd be interested to see if we were fishing the same spots. SAK is a big lake!"

I'd be up for sharing intel if you would like. I would enjoy hearing your perspective and experiences with fishing the last week of May/ early June. I am willing to share spots and more specific details via email if you want to reach out.
jlw034 03/29/2022 03:30PM
Great post!

You were there a couple weeks after me, and it sounds like we had similar experiences.

I'd be interested to see if we were fishing the same spots. SAK is a big lake!
BWfishingfanatic12 02/10/2022 02:39PM
WonderMonkey: "Great report! Below is a link to the NOAA radio that I purchased and took to Quetico. It is small, light, and worked great.

Midland NOAA Radio "

Thanks WM for the input. I know some people don't feel like you need them but I think I would find it beneficial. Especially, for some of those pop up thunderstorms or winds sometimes up there. I would like it for day trip planning, fishing planning, and piece of mind.
WonderMonkey 01/22/2022 05:33PM
Great report! Below is a link to the NOAA radio that I purchased and took to Quetico. It is small, light, and worked great.

Midland NOAA Radio
Forests4ever 01/22/2022 01:44PM
Wow that was a great report! Love to hear about all the big fish catches!
BWfishingfanatic12 01/07/2022 02:14PM
Glad people enjoyed the report! We have been blessed to have some great trips. I enjoy reliving the trips through writing up reports and making videos. Gotta do things to get you through the long winter.
woodsandwater 01/03/2022 07:43AM
Outstanding report and pics! I learned from this. Thank you!
Proverbs 3:5-6!
30Smoke 12/26/2021 12:57AM
Thanks for sharing that awesome trip. Knife is an awesome lake, and it was fun having you take us on that journey, especially with forecast weather below zero. Hopefully you can have more amazing trips and bring us with.
BWfishingfanatic12 12/25/2021 06:29PM
I don't mind you asking at all. I am a terrible lake trout fisherman and have caught less than a dozen in my life time but could see myself getting more into it and targeting them on trips here and there in the future. We did not catch many on our trip and I would say we put in a decent effort. We used white bucktail jigs, deep diving rapalas, and spoons to try to target the lake trout we caught.
JohnR 12/23/2021 10:21PM
Great write up. Fantastic fishing that you guys had.
Good call on hitting the water at 4 AM.. we were on seagull that same day but closer to lunch time, and trust me when I say it was windy and wavy!
If you don’t mind me asking - what were you using for bait/lure for the lake trout?
Snorty 12/22/2021 08:29AM
Thank you,
BWfishingfanatic12 12/20/2021 07:27PM
We have a Bait King, its similar to a leech locker but much better. They can be hard to find but are very durable and secure with the screw on top. We transport them in on the first day chilled in ziplocs or the containers they come in placed inside the bait king. Then once we get to the lake they get taken out and freshened up with water and swim free in the container. We have no problems losing them, just keep them sunk down deep from camp. We just take out a few dozen at a time for fishing outings. We have leech tamers for this that work well.
Snorty 12/20/2021 05:42AM
Hey, appreciate the quick response. Ok so you gave me some good info there concerning size. Do you transport in a water jug, or a leech box? I must say that you guys can come fishing with me anytime you’d like, oh and rub a little of that mojo on me. Seriously, love it when folks do well on the water. It’s good for everyone.
BWfishingfanatic12 12/19/2021 05:34PM
I believe we brought in 2 pounds of leeches. My brother knows a supplier so he handled that. Not really sure why they measure them by pounds as I find it varies widely even though it should be accurate if they are doing it by weight. We have always just got medium/ panfish leeches. I know some people swear you have to get jumbo. We have not found that it matters too much, location is far more vital.
Snorty 12/19/2021 05:05PM
I was just reflecting on your trip and I hope you mind but I’ve got to ask how many leeches went through during your trip. Thx
Snorty 12/19/2021 01:14PM
Absolutely loved your trip report. Very exciting for y’all to bust’em like you did. I made it to SAK on my solo last September and love the area. I need to go back and spend more time there. Thanks for sharing.
papalambeau 11/23/2021 02:45PM
Great report Bryan. Really enjoyed your pics and the detailed write up. Brought back the memories of how we shared info from past trips and fishing intel.

Ben and Mat say hi too!

BWfishingfanatic12 11/19/2021 06:19PM
PeaceFrog: "Great report. Hoping the fishing next June works in my favor like it did yours."

PF let me know if you want any specific spots or advice. I am not sure when in June you are going but I can probably point you in the right direction. Feel free to shoot me an email and I wouldn't mind sharing more details.
Driftless 11/17/2021 09:25AM
Awesome report! Thanks for sharing!
BWfishingfanatic12 11/16/2021 07:48PM
Mocha: "it's funny how fishing success on trips is so subjective.

if I had even one of your days of fishing over the course of my 10 day trip I'd be ecstatic! I'd also be missing lots of lures and probably broke my rod tip and all sorts of fishing miseries.

great report, very humorous, enlightening, exhausting and full of great photos. that's a great shot from the cliff behind your site. in my younger years I might have attempted a bushwack up a steep hill....


I apologize, I have turned into a bit of a fishing snob. We were very excited about how well we did on this trip though! Yeah the view from the cliff was awesome, I'm glad we did it. We were surprised to find some Moose poop near the top. I always thought they hung out in marshes and low spots so that was interesting to me.

I am glad you enjoyed the report. I realized I made a ton of grammatical errors reading back through but oh well...
BWfishingfanatic12 11/16/2021 07:43PM
Thanks everyone! It was definitely in my top 3 favorite trips! I wish we would have gotten better pictures of some of those 20" Smallies but what can you do in a canoe... I think if I would have caught a couple upper 20s Walleye it would for sure be my favorite trip. Hoping to go back in a few years. Both times we have went to SAK it has been mid-June. I'd be curious to try going up the first week, I'd just be worried because it is a big lake and take longer to warm up.
Mocha 11/16/2021 12:09PM
it's funny how fishing success on trips is so subjective.

if I had even one of your days of fishing over the course of my 10 day trip I'd be ecstatic! I'd also be missing lots of lures and probably broke my rod tip and all sorts of fishing miseries.

great report, very humorous, enlightening, exhausting and full of great photos. that's a great shot from the cliff behind your site. in my younger years I might have attempted a bushwack up a steep hill....

PeaceFrog 11/16/2021 08:34AM
Great report. Hoping the fishing next June works in my favor like it did yours.
missmolly 11/15/2021 08:52PM
Thanks for all those big bass photos! You guys did have awesome fishing.
Oneofmanyblessings 11/15/2021 08:38PM
wow, best report i have seen from sak in a long time
AceAceAce 11/15/2021 08:01PM
Very nice report! I love the SAK, my first trip was to there and it won't be my last either. We didn't have anywhere near the fishing luck you did, but didn't try as hard either. I have a feeling we walked that same bushwhack of a portage into the small lake trout lake you mention. I'm not sure I'd do that one again.
guest23 11/15/2021 05:19PM
Cool fishing report! Wish I could have been there... Sounds like some great fishing. Those are some big bass in the pictures you took!
bobbernumber3 11/15/2021 02:44PM
Nice report! You had great fishing, good weather and a fun time. What more could you ask?
BWfishingfanatic12 11/15/2021 02:01PM
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Trip Name: Awesome June Fishing on Knife Lake.

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