BWCA Mn Rattlesnake Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Mn Rattlesnake     
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09/09/2010 05:13PM  
Many are surprised to learn that Mn has a venomous snake. It is called the Timber Rattlesnake, and is found mainly in the SE corner of the state.
I have been trout fishing in this area for about 12 years now, and knew they were present, but never had the opportunity to see one.
Labor Day weekend my family and I were camped at Beaver Creek State park for a few days, and I got my opportunity.
This guy was sunning himself on a log, that I was just about to step over.(glad I looked first).
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09/09/2010 05:17PM  
nice photos brad! they are beautiful creatures.
09/09/2010 05:21PM  
They got a mean looking look in their eye.....kinda like my mother in law on my wedding day! :)
distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/09/2010 06:19PM  
Last spring a group of 2nd graders were walking behind me in a state park in St Louis County in Missouri. We were mushroom hunting at the time. I stepped over a log and the boy behind me said, "Look at the snake!" It was a timber rattlesnake, right under the log I stepped over, and I also felt very lucky we didn't get bitten.

Thanks for the info. I didn't realize they ranged all the way up north.
distinguished member(1340)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/09/2010 06:28PM  
What a beautiful snake, and healthy, too. Here in Okla. we are blessed(!!!!????) with the largest variety of Rattlesnake species of all the states...kinda weird, huh? We have Eastern, Western Diamondbacks, Timber, Prairie, Pygmy, Canebrake(really cool offshoot of Timber rat.). A Pygmy Rattler lives underneath my barn...I have no mice in my barn!!!! We have several "Rattlesnake Roundups" in spring. Went to one once, TASTE Good...sorta like chicken...with a lot of bones!
Again, beautiful pics!!
distinguished member(1480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/09/2010 07:02PM  
Nice photo, Mooseplums. Did you report him to the park staff. Since they are so rare, I know the DNR wants to know when one is spotted so they can track the habitat.
I've poked around in SE MN a long time and have never seen one. You are fortunate.

Also, it's suspected that the Swamp Rattler (or Massasauga) is also in the river bottoms down along there because it has been found in Wisconsin, but I do not believe there are any confirmed sightings of them in MN yet.
09/09/2010 07:15PM  
Great photos MP! My brother-in-law saw a rattle snake at Beaver Creek Valley several years ago - maybe a close relative. MP - did you follow the creek to the source spring?
09/09/2010 07:29PM  
quote sloughman: "Nice photo, Mooseplums. Did you report him to the park staff. Since they are so rare, I know the DNR wants to know when one is spotted so they can track the habitat.
I've poked around in SE MN a long time and have never seen one. You are fortunate.

Also, it's suspected that the Swamp Rattler (or Massasauga) is also in the river bottoms down along there because it has been found in Wisconsin, but I do not believe there are any confirmed sightings of them in MN yet."

Yes we went straight to the park office and reported it and showed them the location on the map.
09/09/2010 07:31PM  
quote snakecharmer: "Great photos MP! My brother-in-law saw a rattle snake at Beaver Creek Valley several years ago - maybe a close relative. MP - did you follow the creek to the source spring?"

Yup we were camped right near the "Big Spring"
distinguished member(1595)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/09/2010 07:53PM  
Beautiful photos mp of a beautiful creature, but still better you than me. My heart would have been going a mile a minute had I been that close. They are beautiful in photos or from a distance. I have no desire to be close to one.
09/09/2010 08:48PM  
We used to see them along the bluffs near Lake Pepin fairly regularly (on the WI side).
09/09/2010 09:37PM  
OK, so I guess I'm not gonna go back to camping under the stars in the SE area of MN. Love to watch from a distance, surprises not so much. No, I didn't realize we had a venomous snake in this state. Good pics and good look down before you stepped!
distinguished member (236)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/09/2010 09:53PM  
Very Cool! Thanks for the pics
distinguished member(2077)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/09/2010 09:57PM  
I'm with SS, I have an aversion to snakes and that would have been stressful for me.
distinguished member(1340)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/09/2010 10:11PM  
Come on buckos...taste like chicken!!!!
09/09/2010 10:31PM  
Beautiful critter; excellent photos! Thanks for sharing.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/10/2010 02:09AM  
I didn't realize MN had rattlesnakes. They are attractive, but not crazy about them. Saw one driving away from our take out on the Eleven Point River here in MO a few weeks ago. He was a big, healthy one! Not as good as your pics, but here is mine. TW

09/10/2010 07:18AM  
I have eaten Rattlesnake in CA many, many years ago, it had a smoky flavor due to the cooking method.
09/10/2010 07:52AM  
Cool snake pics! Their bodies seems to thick compared to their heads. I did know they were in that area but thought they were pretty rare...must be a good omen for you to have seen one! Well, I guess the good thing was that you saw it before stepping. ;-)

Can't say that I actually would have liked to see that myself, but pretty cool that YOU did. Heh.
09/10/2010 08:28AM  
Snakes are so COOL!
09/10/2010 10:16AM  
I agree snakes are cool. I felt no danger or stress being so close.I'd guess I was no more than 5 feet away. He was trying to hide from me, as you can see in the one photo. I poked him with a stick to get him to change the position of his head for the other photo. He didn't even rattle, he finally just slid off the log and slithered away. I felt bad for bothering him, but I was too intrigued by him not to.
distinguished member(839)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2010 03:10PM  
Thanks Mooseplums.

I've been there twice. My wife and I stayed at the cabin and bicycled the Root River trail. I took some of the trails. Which one were you on when you saw him/her? I highly recommend this park if you like relative tranquility in a hardwood environment.
09/10/2010 05:09PM  
Nice photos Mooseplums.

I head down to SE Minnesota to trout fish and camp every April, but am down there too early in the season to see snakes. I'd love to see a big timber rattler in Minnesota, but have seen prairie rattlers in eastern Montana.

My youngest son (12) loves everything about snakes, and we spend time in the summer searching for garter and red bellied snakes here in NE Minnesota. Pretty cool critters that deserve respect.
09/10/2010 07:48PM  
Thanks for the pics and the info. I did know we had timber rattlers in SE Mn, but I'd never seen one there. Did some hiking and grouse hunting in that area years ago. Saw a rattlesnake in a SDak campground we were camping in...that got my folks' attention. And last year we saw a sidewinder in western Nebraska. Mooseplums, I envy you seeing one that clearly and up long as it isn't attached to you.
09/10/2010 10:24PM  
Wow, I bike the Root River Trail on a regular basis. I have never seen one and don't care to up close. Far away is fine. I have heard of them in the area though. He looks like a healthy one!
09/12/2010 07:23PM  
I've a buddy who was bike riding in Rochester a few years back, rattle snake struck his front tire as he was negotiating his way around the snake.
senior member (67)senior membersenior member
09/12/2010 07:53PM  
quote edgeways: "I've a buddy who was bike riding in Rochester a few years back, rattle snake struck his front tire as he was negotiating his way around the snake."

OK, now you've got my attention- i live in NE Iowa & SE Minnesota and have frequented the blufflands. I know we have timber rattlers, but have not seen one. I bike in Rochester. WHERE was the rattler in Rochester?
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