BWCA eggs Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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   BWCA Food and Recipes



05/09/2005 04:36PM  
I read in Outdoor Life that for long trips you can crack open eggs and pour them into a mason jar with them lasting for awhile. Has anyone does this before? How long on average do the eggs last? Thanks
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05/10/2005 09:01AM  
I've heard that cracking open the egg is one of the worste things you can do.
They say that a farm fresh egg will last a month kept cool. The eggs from the market are not "farm fresh". I would assume you would be safe within a week if you kept the eggs undamaged and you knew they were fresh.


Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3781)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/10/2005 10:19AM  
Okay, A question concerning eggs... or rather egg shells. We camped on a site on Jordan Lake back in 2003. Behind the site someone had thrown a dozen empty egg shells. Now I have heard and know that you are supposed to keep a clean camp... to me that is not a clean camp. Needless to say, we gathered up the egg shells, and buried them back in the woods well away from camp, and hung our foodpack high. If you decide to carry the eggs in with you... Do you pack the shells out? Or toss them behind camp as someone else did? Or do you take the shells and bury them? What do you do with fresh eggs if you take them?

distinguished member (139)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/10/2005 10:43AM  
I would think that egg shells would attract animals; therefore, I pack them out. Burying leftovers would be the same thing right? Although I usually do not have left overs (hehe), but anything that would attract animals should be packed out or buried well away from a camp. Am I being too picky? I would like to know since it is only 480 hours until I will dip my paddle into the BW. I almost forgot to add, I have heard that eggs keep best when they are left in the shell. I will have more informaiton in 4 weeks when I am back.
New Guy
Guest Paddler
05/10/2005 11:59AM  
I have also burned egg shells in the past... Threw them in the fire I was cooking over!
05/10/2005 02:22PM  
Eggs come with us on all trips - wrapped appropriately they will carry for 5+ days. I would not crack them first but carry in wrapped. Shells should come out with the rest of the trash.

Your log in name tells me we live in the same community - send me an email sometime.

Mark Lawyer
distinguished member (421)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/13/2005 07:28PM  
The grocery store sells pasteurized eggs. I used them once and they're indistinguishable from regular fresh eggs. You have to think they'd last longer.

I've used powdered eggs, too and they make fine scrambled eggs or omelets.
Mark Lawyer
distinguished member (421)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/13/2005 07:32PM  
Lord, no never throw any trash in the woods!!! I pack egg shells out if I can't burn them. Anything we burn that isn't totally turned to ash is also packed out. And, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't put food down the latrine! On one trip on Vera Lake we found a site where a bear had dug up the latrine and pulled up pasta and human waste and made a general mess of the area. Yucch!
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