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       From Sturgeon to Quetico Lake via Trail, Your, Badwater
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:22PM
From Sturgeon to Quetico Lake via Trail, Your, Badwater

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Old Hoosier 08/16/2016 11:54AM
Never had any trouble with the water - but the original "bad ass portage" was for sure.

The corduroy has solved all that now, but the early trips were a true test of your desire to get there!

Old Hoosier
Ho Ho 08/15/2016 07:08PM
Thanks, Old Hoosier. I wouldn't be surprised if the name has roots in Ojibway lore, alluding to a malevolent spirit at the lake. That's just totally speculation but somehow seems plausible. It would be interesting to know the story.

Old Hoosier 08/15/2016 06:55PM
No idea where the lake name originated, but the water quality is fine. It is a bit darker water lake due to tannin, but the quality is good.

Old Hooiser
Ho Ho 08/15/2016 04:36PM
By the way, does anyone know where the name "Badwater" comes from. I'm assuming the water is perfectly good . . .
Ho Ho 08/14/2016 09:56PM
You are right GC, we don't fish. I'm always a little abashed to say that when I'm getting all this great fishing info that is wasted on me! I do hope to stay on that site on Bentpine though.

(And, sorry, I think that blank reply from "Guest Paddler" just above was from me trying to write this reply earlier from a computer where I wasn't logged in. I didn't realize anything had posted, and I have no idea how to get rid of it now.)
08/14/2016 07:34PM
GraniteCliffs 08/14/2016 07:18PM
I don't recall that you fish. I don't fish but am always with someone that does.
With that said two of the best fishing days I have ever seen are on your route. We camped on the south side of the entrance to Bentpine Creek. We fished about two hundred yards up into the stream and nailed the fish non-stop in the evening. Also saw moose twice from the campsite.
On another trip through this area we detoured off the creek and into Bentpine Lake. Only for an hour. We ended up camping there because the fishing was off the charts. The island site near the portage, with the old logging chains hanging on it (assuming they are still there) seemed to be the best site around I can recall in the area. There is at least one other site on the eastern shore on your way to the other portage. Not the greatest site but the only one I recall.
Have fun
Ho Ho 08/14/2016 01:51PM
Thanks for the additional info jdddl8. It will be interesting to see what Trail Creek is like. Possibly a beaver dam went out at some point recently? I'll try to remember to report back after our trip.
jdddl8 08/11/2016 11:41PM
I have been through most of the route several times. The three portages from Sturgeon to March are usually very easy. Back in the drought years there was some dragging to get to the portages and some mud. The portage to Bentpine is always easy as is the portage to Trail. I have never had any problems going up the creek from Trail to Little Pine even in the drought years and I never even had to get out the canoe (albeit solo). The portage from Snow to Your is long but usually dry. The short one from Your to Fair can be tricky on the Fair side trying to find where to put the canoe in. There are two portages from Fair to Badwater and make sure you take the right one. (the one and only time I got lost in Quetico was on that portage as the beavers flooded it and I had to find another route. But the last time I was through there I didn't have any problems. I have gone from Badwater up through Robin and another time to Ommee so I can't comment on the portage into Quetico. Most of these lakes have good walleye fishing and one or two campsites.
jdddl8 08/11/2016 11:41PM
I have been through most of the route several times. The three portages from Sturgeon to March are usually very easy. Back in the drought years there was some dragging to get to the portages and some mud. The portage to Bentpine is always easy as is the portage to Trail. I have never had any problems going up the creek from Trail to Little Pine even in the drought years and I never even had to get out the canoe (albeit solo). The portage from Snow to Your is long but usually dry. The short one from Your to Fair can be tricky on the Fair side trying to find where to put the canoe in. There are two portages from Fair to Badwater and make sure you take the right one. (the one and only time I got lost in Quetico was on that portage as the beavers flooded it and I had to find another route. But the last time I was through there I didn't have any problems. I have gone from Badwater up through Robin and another time to Ommee so I can't comment on the portage into Quetico. Most of these lakes have good walleye fishing and one or two campsites.
Ho Ho 08/09/2016 08:25PM
Thanks for the input everyone! Wyoming Paddler or anyone else with knowledge, I hadn't focused before on the creek from Trail to Little Pine. Sometimes dried up creeks like that also have tracks beaten through the grass up higher and drier. I may call the park to ask about it before going . . . since we are entering at Prairie Portage I doubt the rangers there would know much about it . . . but more information from you knowledgeable folks would be awesome.

And keep the info coming if anyone has anything else to add. Thanks!
Old Hoosier 08/09/2016 07:58PM
Ho Ho,

The recent posts pretty much cover everything I was going to post. They nailed the exact points I was going to make.

As a side comment - if you want a couple of tips on camp sites on Badwater - I can help. Not sure if you plan to overnight on Badwater

Also - if you want to take a quick, short side trip into a no name lake which is VERY remote (but really easy access) - send me an Email.

Old Hoosier
wyopaddler 08/09/2016 04:37PM
Went through Bentpine to March to Trail to Little Pine to Snow to Your to Badwater in the third week of September in 2014 and again this past June. This what my notes say . . . We found it a quiet, beautiful, boggy exit to our route. Bentpine is a beautiful small lake with scenic islands and rocks. I would highly recommend popping into it. We stayed on an island camp on the eastern end of the lake not far from the portage. It’s a very pretty site with limited level tent spots. The portage is just a quick hop from March. (The portage into Bentpine from Claire however is not recommended. While it is accurate to say “it is swampy but passable” it then transitions into a steep up and down “jaunt” with mossy slick rocks. We had other names for it.) The creek between Trail and Little Pine was also an “adventure.” I would consult with the rangers to get an update on the current water levels before venturing that direction. It was basically a total no go from a paddling perspective with water dwindling quickly into consistent beaver activity. We “poled” for a while, lost count of the number of small beaver dam pullovers, and finally ended up lining the boat for some distance through the mucky bog. We were both sucked in past our knees on several occasions. Ultimately, we were forced to portage the last 150 yards through boggy, waist high grass to the mucky edge of the next lake. (This past June there was more water so the boat could be lined most of the way while carrying a couple of the heavier packs but still not able to paddle.) After that is was nice, though we had to search around a little for the portage into Your Lake. The Christmar map was the most accurate and the portage was long but not too steep or muddy. Your Lake is also very scenic. We camped on a pretty little island. The fire pit is on a point facing west with the tent pads back in the trees. The 75 rod portage into Fair turned out to be a paddle and lift over of two beaver dams, one quite large. The short portage from Fair into the no name lake between Fair and Badwater has a short steep drop requiring us to pass the canoe down but otherwise straightforward. On Badwater we camped on a high rocky knob not far from the entrance to Bee Lake. The firepit is out on the rocky point with a view and the tent spots are up higher with great views up and down the lake. The portage from Badwater into West Bay was long but not overly challenging. Some sections of mud with log bridges but otherwise uneventful. It’s a very beautiful walk when the canoe is not on your head. Hope that helps. Have a great trip. We’re leaving tomorrow and putting in a Nym for a couple of weeks.

Here's a couple of photos of the mud just to prove I wasn't exaggerating

Mocha 08/08/2016 09:21PM

i was through that area back in fall of 2o1o, in the opposite direction. started at west bay and headed to badwater and on through the small lakes to sturgeon and eventually the maligne. i'll have to dig out trip notes abour campsites. one thing we really enjoyed was all the old logging relics along that string of lakes. the portages weren't that difficult, including the badwater even though it was a mile of a lot of mud, but very scenic. you will definitely find much stuff to photograph!

the wind was pretty strong the day we came through bentpine creek so we missed the old wooden boat along the shoreline before hitting sturgeon.

marsonite 08/08/2016 09:04PM
I went through there about three or four years ago. Nice stretch of remote lakes. I don't remember any real problems with portages except they were lightly travelled and thus a bit grown in. Also remember a steep one which someone else mentioned.

Not a lot of campsites. We got caught in a soaking rain and had to go to your to find one. It's a decent site on the right on an island about 2/3 of the way up. We would have been glad to stop earlier.

There is a very cool site on Badwater also about 2/3 of the way up on the right. Very high off the water with great views, though the canoe landing is less than ideal to say the least. I would have liked to stay there but the timing didn't work out.
Old Hoosier 08/08/2016 07:48PM

Don't have a lot of info for you - but will offer what I do know.

Bentpine has a very good reputation for walleye fishing. If that interests you - then probably worth the effort to get into Bentpine. It also offers solitude. If interested - check out PCD for camp info or maybe I can scratch up a site recommendation from some old records.

The route from Bentpine to Badwater is no picnic. Have known some local TN friends who did that route a few years - but always noted that it was a tough one (even in Q terms!)

Have been from Badwater to Fair and Your - the portages are pretty short and not too difficult. Some are steep where you have to lower canoe down by rope and the Badwater to no-name is kind of a bushwack more than portage. But if you are a tripper/paddler then these are not too unusual. Coming back out of Fair was tricky as there was a huge amount of reeds and it hid the portage entrance - we noodled around for almost an hour looking for the way back out (and that was on a day trip!)

If no one else has any good info to offer, I will dig up my notes and give better detail.

As I recall - the bigger challenges are around Bentpine itself due to swamps. Never been there so will defer to those who have first hand experience

I am out of town on a business trip this week and my maps are at home. Hope you are not needing info right away.

Old Hoosier
OldGreyGoose 08/08/2016 03:53PM
Have not personally been south of Badwater so won't comment on that.* On Badwater try to get over to Omeme if possible. Very few do. (Apparently the way of choice now is an old portage up near the one to West Bay of Quetico.) In W. Bay there are only a few campsites and all are small but serviceable. If you're coming out of W. Bay across the peninsula to the main body of Quetico Lake you may face strong winds hindering your put-in. Very interesting area especially the old logging days remnants. (See trip reports.)

*I have some notes on the area south of Badwater I could pass along if no one else chimes in with first-hand info.

Ho Ho 08/08/2016 02:42PM
As part of a trans-Quetico trip in a couple weeks we are thinking of traveling from Sturgeon to West Bay of Quetico via Bentpine Creek and Trail, Little Pine, Snow, Your, Fair and Badwater Lakes. We've never been in this area before and would be interested in any helpful info about campsites, portages, and anything else of interest. I'm also wondering if people think it's worth a short detour into Bentpine Lake to camp after leaving Sturgeon. It will just be two of us and the dog so small campsites are just as good (often better) than big ones.

Thanks in advance for any helpful insights.

Bill Ho Ho