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    Winter Camping and Activities
       Sawbill Ice and Travel Jan 21
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:07PM
Sawbill Ice and Travel Jan 21

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inspector13 01/23/2017 02:46PM

Yep, it did look like that car hit a deer before going into the ditch. What looked like a wolf was between the rail road bridge and Stanley Road. (Earthwood Inn/Sonju Motors)

NotLight 01/23/2017 01:25PM
quote inspector13: "quote NotLight: "... Decision made. I sped home with a short stop in Duluth. Lots of driving, but a great day and a super hike. "
Did you see that huge road killed wolf at the beginning of the south bound lanes of the expressway just outside of Two Harbors?"

I saw 3-4 bald eagles north of duluth, in seperate places, with large road kill. I saw something unusually furry in many large pieces on the road at one point (sorry if TMI). I did not notice if it was a wolf. I saw like a small maroon ford fiesta in the ditch going south on the expressway that had looked like it hit something.
inspector13 01/23/2017 12:53PM
quote NotLight: "... Decision made. I sped home with a short stop in Duluth. Lots of driving, but a great day and a super hike. "
Did you see that huge road killed wolf at the beginning of the south bound lanes of the expressway just outside of Two Harbors?
NotLight 01/23/2017 12:25PM
quote Minnesotian: "
Yep, encountered the same exact thing last year, on the last weekend of January, rain.

Where you able to see the conditions on the SHT? I am wondering how deep it is and if a night or two backpacking in February is in my future. Thanks."

South of Tofte, about 18" or less of dense snow. The few hundred yards of the SHT that I saw had been snowshoed. I'm guessing just boots or very small snowshoes ideal, unless there's a big snow dump. It's possible some marshy areas may be wet or thin ice right now too. If nothing changes in the forecast, I will go to SHT for one night next weekend.

Minnesotian 01/23/2017 11:53AM

Yep, encountered the same exact thing last year, on the last weekend of January, rain.

Where you able to see the conditions on the SHT? I am wondering how deep it is and if a night or two backpacking in February is in my future. Thanks.
Kawishiwashy 01/23/2017 09:18AM
NotLight, you ran into exactly what I ran into last year, RAIN. Who would've thought?!?! You did the same thing I did, bagged the overnights in the woods, but still made the most of your situation. Good on you. Better weather luck next time!
NotLight 01/22/2017 09:55PM

Fog was not bad, except cresting the hill south of Duluth. It was a fast drive home. Might have been worst in Mpls earlier in the day, compared to what I saw.

I suspect conditions will be good again if we get a bit of a cooldown, and an inch of snow to cover the rain soaked crust. I will try again then. I think that's coming. Best to call or email one of the outfitters ahead of time I think - I did that - but still got suprised by the anount of rain.

Like someone said above, good to be flexible. I brought extra gear to stash in the car in case I decided to car camp, or backpack on SHT, if I didn't have good snow. I even brought nice clothes in case I just stayed in a hotel and wanted to go to a nice resteraunt for dinner.

MNLindsey80 01/22/2017 09:47PM
quote NotLight: "So... I got on the road by 5am Saturday. By 8:15 or so I was at Dunn Bros in Duluth getting my latte on. And, then it starts raining. No worries. I figured, a bit north snd up the hill by Sawbill that'll turn into light flurries.

BOY, was I wrong again!!!

By the time I gassed up in Tofte and got down the Sawbill trail about 6 miles, it was pouring down. The snow looked like crap, it was 37 degrees, and somehow the road was still icing over (how?). My mind sorta blanked on what to do. Go north, go home? So I turned around and went back down to Tofte and parked. Called a couple friends, called wife. Decided to scratch it and just go home and maybe spend an hour in Duluth.

So then I went down the hill and stopped at Cascade river state park, to hide my valuables in the car for when I was trapsing around Duluth. The rain had slowed enough, so I wentnon a hile at cascade. Then I went down the road to Tettegouche, and hiked for about 2 hours. It was great. The weather had cleared. So then I am second guessing - do I drive nack up? Backpack on the SHT? Get out the skis? Mind kinda blanked. And then, it started raining. Decision made. I sped home with a short stop in Duluth. Lots of driving, but a great day and a super hike.

I'm leaving my stuff packed. Maybe I'll get another chance soon.


Thanks for the update. I would have LOVED to know how the ice was on Sawbill, but it sound like you had quite the adventure! Did you get home alright last night? Not sure what part of town you're from, but the Twin Cities was a foggy nightmare last night.
NotLight 01/21/2017 09:28PM
So... I got on the road by 5am Saturday. By 8:15 or so I was at Dunn Bros in Duluth getting my latte on. And, then it starts raining. No worries. I figured, a bit north snd up the hill by Sawbill that'll turn into light flurries.

BOY, was I wrong again!!!

By the time I gassed up in Tofte and got down the Sawbill trail about 6 miles, it was pouring down. The snow looked like crap, it was 37 degrees, and somehow the road was still icing over (how?). My mind sorta blanked on what to do. Go north, go home? So I turned around and went back down to Tofte and parked. Called a couple friends, called wife. Decided to scratch it and just go home and maybe spend an hour in Duluth.

So then I went down the hill and stopped at Cascade river state park, to hide my valuables in the car for when I was trapsing around Duluth. The rain had slowed enough, so I wentnon a hile at cascade. Then I went down the road to Tettegouche, and hiked for about 2 hours. It was great. The weather had cleared. So then I am second guessing - do I drive nack up? Backpack on the SHT? Get out the skis? Mind kinda blanked. And then, it started raining. Decision made. I sped home with a short stop in Duluth. Lots of driving, but a great day and a super hike.

I'm leaving my stuff packed. Maybe I'll get another chance soon.

NotLight 01/20/2017 09:43PM

Well, the car is packed. We'll see how far I get. I managed to fit everything in the backpack. I think I have about 8lbs more crap than my last 2 backpack trips. I'll be moving slow.
Pinetree 01/20/2017 10:22AM
quote Kawishiwashy: "NotLight, just remember, no good story ever started with, "Soooo, I decided not to go..." You'll do great. Be flexible and take what the conditions give you. Camping 100 yards from the parking lot is still a better trip than sitting on your couch watching other people have fun (Life Below Zero, Last Alaskans, Alone, etc.). And yes, be sure to post a trip report so I can live vicariously through you. Good luck and have fun!!"

Kawishiwashy 01/20/2017 10:11AM
NotLight, just remember, no good story ever started with, "Soooo, I decided not to go..." You'll do great. Be flexible and take what the conditions give you. Camping 100 yards from the parking lot is still a better trip than sitting on your couch watching other people have fun (Life Below Zero, Last Alaskans, Alone, etc.). And yes, be sure to post a trip report so I can live vicariously through you. Good luck and have fun!!
MNLindsey80 01/19/2017 07:18PM
quote NotLight: "quote walleye_hunter: "Warm weather dissipates slush! "

Hope so! I slowly packing, still planning on heading up Saturday morning. But a bit on the fence for whatever reason (cold, long drive, wolves, drowning, etc). But I assume I'll go anyway.

I'm also a bit nervous for my winter trips for 3/4 of your reasons. I love driving - so that is no issue for me.

Cold - on my first trip this year we are cold tenting into the BWCA - so I'm in the midst of planning my outfits.

Wolves - Do not watch the video I posted in the general discussion. Having fires I would think would keep them away???, and Sawbill is a popular place to winter camp. Besides - they're looking for deer and moose... (i'm self preaching here...)

Drowning - if you're really nervous - maybe bring a life jacket, and ice awls. I plan to bring both.

You'll do AWESOME! I expect a full report upon your return!
NotLight 01/19/2017 02:01PM
quote walleye_hunter: "Warm weather dissipates slush! "

Hope so! I slowly packing, still planning on heading up Saturday morning. But a bit on the fence for whatever reason (cold, long drive, wolves, drowning, etc). But I assume I'll go anyway.
walleye_hunter 01/19/2017 01:44PM
Warm weather dissipates slush!
Minnesotian 01/15/2017 10:26AM

Agreed. With those temps hitting the northland, slush is going to be annoying. Ice thickness should be fine though.
Pinetree 01/11/2017 09:47PM
I think your biggest problem may be slush.

Always loved their newsletter
SevenofNine 01/11/2017 12:42PM
I definitely would call Sawbill as they probably walk on it once a day or more.
Gadfly 01/11/2017 11:52AM
Take a look at the sawbill newsletter on their website. Road and parking lot has always been plowed when I have entered there.
NotLight 01/11/2017 10:04AM

Looking at, it seems to predict a warm up next week with a bit of freezing drizzle/winter mix. Then from about Jan 21-24 warm (28/35) with light snow and no freezing drizzle. So I am thinking about heading north Jan 21-24.

Anyone know how the ice is on Sawbill, Burnt, Smoke? Slush? Roads/parking/plowing? I suppose, I could just call.