BWCA New DIY Hot Tent Boundary Waters Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
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   Group Forum: Do It Yourself Gear
      New DIY Hot Tent     
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01/05/2024 10:16AM  
After several years toying with the design and a couple more years of off-and-on again sewing, I'm finally ready to claim my new hot tent it complete. There will no doubt be some fine tuning adjustments to be made as it gets its first tests next spring.

The tent was designed for spring and fall trips where I might encounter extended cold and wet weather. I've had several spring and fall trips where after 5-6 days of fairly steady drizzle or light rain, my regular tent seemed just too small for me and one or two wet dogs. I did once bring my Snowtrekker and stove on a canoe trip to Cherokee in such conditions. It was great being able to light the stove and get me, the dog, and all gear warm and dry before dinner and bed, but it was too much to carry. This new tent is about 7-8 lbs and far smaller packed.

The design is similar to the increasingly popular Bell tent, which was loosely based on an 19th century English army tent. I like the way it looks, but honestly with all the stakes and angles it is a PITA to set up properly, and was a super-PITA to cut and sew all that slippery silnylon and odd angles. Still, I like it and am excited to give it a try.

A couple of the photos were from just before I added the stove jack, windows, and door poles, but they show the overall shape pretty well.

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01/05/2024 04:10PM  
That is really slick looking - congrats! Let us know how it performs in the wild...
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