BWCA Oyster River Water Levels? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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senior member (55)senior membersenior member
09/04/2018 08:59AM  
Just curious if anyone has recently been on Oyster River and if it's navigable. Better off taking the river or the portage next week? I heard the portage has deep mud at the end as well.
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09/04/2018 10:35AM  
Water levels are down but I don't know specifically for Oyster River. I usually travel this river in the spring time when water levels are up and I'm heading down river. If your thinking of going up the river, I'd recommend using the portage from Agnes. The river is narrow with several beaver dams on the lower portion. If you're up for an adventure, take it, but If I was going this time of year I'd be portaging from Agnes.
distinguished member(3458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/04/2018 05:19PM  
I thought the Agnes to Oyster portage was quite pleasant. But yeah, depending on water levels could be muddy at the Oyster creek end.
distinguished member(595)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2018 10:35AM  
I also thought the Agnes to Oyster portage was a beautiful hike. Double portage too. Don't miss the gorgeous moss covered clearing with the rock garden & pulpit for a nice rest about half way. Oh & the Oyster river side of the portage...yikes, just like I remembered from years ago, the area with the wooden rails is solid to a point, then the mud is quite deep. I used a walking stick to find my way. Tried to find the entry to the Oyster river headed North, but didn't have much luck in May.
senior member (82)senior membersenior member
09/08/2018 05:14PM  
Krole--going to Oyster in a week. Appreciate your comments on current situation.
senior member (55)senior membersenior member
09/09/2018 07:50PM  
Noslen: "Krole--going to Oyster in a week. Appreciate your comments on current situation."

Won’t be back until next weekend, and planning on just taking the portage. Will report back either way. Not sure if that will be too late for you.
09/13/2018 03:24PM  
We took the portage on Sept. 2 but saw a group come down the Oyster River. I asked about it, and they said it was a bit tough with low water and beaver dams but that it was doable and better than taking the portage.

Yeah, the portage is muddy but there's some solid ground.
senior member (55)senior membersenior member
09/15/2018 08:49AM  
We ended up taking the portage, not sure if that was the best idea in hindsight since there were strong headwinds on Lake Agnes after the portage. We were headed south at this time. FWIW I think I saw the where you enter Oyster River when heading North. Really got to be paying attention though. GPS helps as well to pinpoint it.
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