BWCA Water Question Boundary Waters Winter Camping and Activities
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12/11/2016 08:54PM  
Curious what you folks do for water when winter camping in MN State Parks. I know what I do when I am in the BWCA, but I am not willing to drink anything from a lake anywhere near the Twin Cities.
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12/12/2016 12:43AM  
While the showers and drinking fountains usually aren't working often the indoor bathrooms and faucets work for brushing your teeth etc. Honestly I oack in a gallon or two of water with me when car camping... Depending on the outdoor temps it might not freeze in your car! The visitor center also usually has an indoor water bottle / water fountain as well....
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/12/2016 12:14PM  
Yeah, stop in any of the park visitor center buildings that are open year-round. Campground water sources are nearly 100% no-go from October on.
12/12/2016 12:48PM  
I refuse to waste money on store bottled water, but have exceptions. Winter is one, still I tend to refill milk/soda/drink bottles at home.
Make sure you have water in a pot to melt in the mourning, start out melting with just enough heat to get the ice wet. As it turns liquid you can move it closer to a heat source.
Cooking up some water last Feb.

12/12/2016 07:54PM  
I know the campground water sources are shut off, and I would prefer not to stop in to the park visitor area other than to register. Ken's ideas make sense. I am going out this weekend, so I will give it a try.
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